Homey - Booking and Rental WordPress Theme

Homey - Booking and Rental WordPress Theme 2.4.4 Nulled

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[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_save_profile
[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_register
[Updated] Homey-login-register plugin to v2.4.3
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins

[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_save_profile
[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_register
[Updated] Homey-login-register plugin to v2.4.3
[NEW] New option for search results page to show unit or dates price.
[New] Show all or per page number pins on google map
[New] 2 More options for city fee 1) Per Guest and 2) Daily * Per guest
[Improved] Overall theme security
[FIXED] _load_textdomain_just_in_time new requirement for wordpress 6.7.* for text domain homey
[FIXED] too few parameters provided for stripe.
[FIXED] Syntax correction in the ical export file.
[FIXED] Pagination number in the dashboard messages page
[FIXED] Status not representing about the email approved is fixed.
[FIXED] By default Taiwan number to US number.
[FIXED] Re-captcha issue for no ajax login form
[FIXED] Review not showing on renter profile page
[FIXED] Email parameters options for email content management.
[FIXED] Expired status for the listings in the admin panel.
[New] New option for search results page to show unit or dates price.
[Fixed] Stripe fatal error when updrage package
[Fixed] _load_textdomain_just_in_time new requirement for wordpress 6.7.* for text domain homey
[New] Make possible for admin to create a booking (Reservation) of Listing from Wordpress admin panel.
[New] Phone Number in register form, this can be disable from Homey Options Login & Register.
[New] Different Welcome Mails after register HOST/RENTER
[New] Delete Users which are not verified within 24 hours, this can be disable from homey options.
[New] Protect Spam Users and deleting their record from database using keyword that contains in spam email registration. You can disable this from Homey Options.
[New] The new labels in homey.pot language file.
[New] Header slider turn Auto play on or off.

[Fixed] Membership expiration date issue in wordpress admin panel.
[Fixed] Listing type selected none.
[Fixed] Splash page not opening in Page Editors.
[Fixed] Fields builder form data is not not visible on the Experience information page.
[Fixed] Experience and Listings reservation conflict.
[Fixed] Translatable strings for Extra fields.
[Fixed] Featured Listing payment from stripe issue fixed
[Fixed] Experience search on mobile not works.
[Fixed] On homepage slider listing sort featured first.
[Fixed] Labels on membership plan detail page.
[Fixed] After login redirection to page is fixed.
[Fixed] Instant Hourly Experience booking does not save start or end hour when it requires login.

[Updated] Experiences can be booked without being logged in just provide email address.
[Updated] Woocommerce template pages are updated with latest files.
[Updated] New profile fields added for social links.
[Updated] In about section on able to show Custom Field Builder.
[Updated] On search criteria, price should update like Airbnb, My Booking.
[Updated] Status filter for reservation list page.
[Updated] Homepage slider now auto plays the slides in every 5 seconds by default.
[Updated] Homey Core plugin
[Updated] Homey Login Register plugin
[Updated] Homey Membership plugin
[Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon plugin
[Updated] Slider Revolution plugin
[Updated] WP Bakery plugin
[New] PHP 8.3 compatibility
[New] User login after profile activation options (Yes or no for login).
[New] Enable/Disable user role selection change for one time in the profile page, that is especially for registered users via social platforms.
[New] No ajax form for login issue when you want to use cache plugins that conflicts with the ajax functionality.
[New] Click to approve for the experiences for pending experiences.
[New] Weekend price new option is added Thursday, Friday and Saturday
[New] Start of week day option for the calendar added in homey option general
[Improved] Show the button for Add New Experiences if membership is also related for experience.
[Improved] H2 converted to h1 for SEO purpose.
[Fixed] Fields builder was not working on admin panel
[Fixed] Email host for the Approval of experiences from Admin.
[Fixed] User Role text was not translatable in the user profile.
[Fixed] Membership purchased successfully translation text
[Fixed] Icons was not showing for experience detail page of about section
[Fixed] Amenities and Features when adding new experience was not working
[Fixed] On membership host page the subscription details was not good.
[Fixed] Custom field builder fields missing after theme update
[Fixed] Google map autocomplete error
[Fixed] 503 error on some listings fixed
[Fixed] Experience host contact field for short code
[Fixed] Same listings render on load more button click
[Fixed] Same experiences render on load more button click
[Fixed] Restore the deleted experience reservation function not found
[Fixed] Review rating shows but with 0 reviews
[Fixed] Additional guest price issue when additional guest are more then one.
[Fixed] Service fee for experience was not working with percentage type
[Fixed] Duplicated images on new listing
[Fixed] Price not showing on compare page
[Fixed] Verification id buttons not displayed
[Fixed] Main search form check-in and check-out date can be selected invalid.
[Fixed] in the demo while add/edit experience / separator not shown
[Fixed] Reserve a period was not taking care of Booking mode
[Fixed] If listing is featured show "It is featured" link in My listing page Action menu.
[Fixed] Listing detail page video support for custom link with .mp4 file.
[Fixed] review was not visible in the per hour mode.
[Updated] Homey Core plugin
[Updated] Homey Login Register plugin
[Updated] Slider Revolution Plugin
[Updated] WP Bakery Plugin
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Reactions: BYRONPC
[New] On profile activation there will be a popup modal for information
[New] Cancellation policy is added on the reservation detail page for more details
[Improved] Nav menu styling
[Improved] Membership plugin is now compatible with experiences
[Fixed] HUF currency not show right using WooCommerce addon
[Fixed] Featured Label color not applied
[Fixed] Default text for GDPR on the registration module
[Fixed] Email for Listing Approved variable printing as it when approved from the admin dashboard.
[Fixed] Save as draft
[Fixed] Cancellation policy shows HTML
[Fixed] Terms and rules radio buttons fixed
[Fixed] Admin user profile remove when admin update profile using frontend dashboard.
[Fixed] Membership plugin limit check with Listings and experiences.
[Fixed] in membership package detail page listings included and experiences included showing nothing instead of 0.
[Fixed] In membership success page, experiences number not visible.
[Fixed] Email view on small devices (Mobile, tablets)
[Fixed] Mixed beds/bedrooms on listing detail page v5
[Fixed] Load more not works on taxonomy pages.
[Fixed] Edit information experience does not store markup.
[Fixed] Experience Description was missing
[Fixed] Normal search result page not shows listings according to number of guests.
[Fixed] Membership Purchased Successfully string was not translatable.
[Updated] Homey Core plugin
[Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon
[Updated] Slider Revolution plugin
[Updated] WP Bakery plugin
no changelog for this version
[New] Elementor 3.6.0 and Elementor Pro latest version compatibility
[New] Change distance search amounts (i.e 5-10 increments rather than 5,6,7,8,9,10km)
[New] Add a drop box to select different cancellation policies in add listing
[Fixed] On mobile version with per hour checkboxes for extra prices does not work.
[Fixed] Payments buttons were hidden on horizontal tablets
[Fixed] Manually booked dates was not correctly added into ical
[Fixed] Currency change with a switcher to show currency in membership plans.
[Fixed] Search on taxonomy search results page
[Updated] Homey Core plugin