Tested HESK 3 3.5.3

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* [CLOUD ONLY] Satisfaction module: send a third party survey after resolving tickets
* Ocean Blue is now the default Hesk style. For other styles, visit Hesk Styles
* dropped support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4, Hesk now requires PHP 5.5+
* categories can auto-assign tickets to specific users
* categories can have a default due date set
* added support for multi-factor authentication
* improved display options for date and time
* improved attachments process (async upload, drag and drop, preserve on errors)
* Hesk now uses PHPMailer to construct and send emails
* added support for HTML emails (both HTML and plain text templates are available)
* email fetching shows the reason why an email was ignored if Debug mode is on
* more control over what emails are ignored in the email to ticket functionality
* tracking ID is no longer required in email subject for email to ticket functionality
* if captcha is enabled, it will also show in the "Forgot ticket ID" form
* update "Time worked" when staff submits a note to a ticket
* use the "Show Tickets" form to find tickets by due date
* new staff permission: can view all users, but not manage them
* updates for PHP 8.1 depreciated functionality
* security: improved password storage algorithm and length requirements
* staff can now select ticket status when submitting a ticket in the customer's name
* a new email template is now used when staff submits a ticket in the customer's name
* you can now set the ticket language when editing a ticket in multi-language installations
* when viewing a ticket in the admin panel a list of previous tickets is shown
* changed several Javascript confirm boxes to HTML modals
* when deleting a category, you can now select what category to move the tickets to
* when deleting a user, only open tickets will be set to unassigned
* fix: no need to regenerate session ID on every page load
* fix: changing language when viewing a ticket shows the "View ticket" form
* fix: non-YMD date format caused an error when sending overdue notifications
* fix: custom date fields could display wrong date on the edit ticket page
* fix: custom field name hidden when editing it, if it was created in a deleted language
* fix: wrong default submit action in staff New ticket page
* fix: unable to set negative relative dates in custom fields
* updated TinyMCE to 5.10.5