Fix deprecation warning logs in PHP 8.3
Fix warning when importing blog posts
Copy menu structure to the new language when adding language
Improve sitemap: add Google news and xml mobile. Check this: and
Improve email template, support RTL in email
Improve newsletter: make it loads faster when loading the homepage
Improve social sharing buttons
Improve UI front theme and admin panel
Improve cache for better performance
Optimize source code
Update third-party libraries to the latest version
- Fix blog categories sorting issue
- Fix import translations, it was having issue when locale name has a dash
- Fix some RTL issues
- Upgrade to Laravel 11.0, support PHP 8.3
- Update CKEditor, Google Fonts and Tabler icons
- Add an option to permanently delete media files, bypassing the trash.
- Add support some new HTML tags
- Improve backup: add option to backup database only
- Improve UI front theme and admin panel
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version
- Fix menu cache issue: Reduce excessive cache file generation for better performance.
- Fix BunnyCDN media settings: Correct configuration keys for proper integration.
- Add search feature for categories: Enable search in the blog post category list.
- Add UUID file name option: Allow automatic renaming of files to UUIDs.
- Add more Google Fonts: Expand font options for better typography.
- Change minimum PHP version: Require PHP 8.2.0 or higher.
- Optimize source code: Improve performance and maintainability.
- Update libraries: Upgrade dependencies to the latest versions.
Fix RTL issue in contact form
Fix categories tree in post form
Improve sitemap cache, fix cache is not refreshed when changing language
Improve cache for better performance
Optimize source code
Update third-party libraries to the latest version
Expanded icon set with Tabler Icons
Included missing Google Fonts in the available list
Added support for .avif image format
Enhanced UI block ‘Custom HTML’ with code formatting
Introduced option to limit image upload dimensions (width & height)
Optimized database queries for improved multi-language support
Enhanced caching mechanism for better performance
Refined and optimized source code for efficiency
Updated third-party libraries to their latest versions
- Fix missing translations in email templates
- Add option to convert image to WebP when uploading to Admin -> Media
- Add setting to change logo height in email template
- Add option to set admin logo max height
- Send confirmation email when someone submit contact form
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version
- Fix download language files from GitHub, it was missing translations for theme
- Add missing translation texts
- Add option to disable cache options
- Add jfif file support
- Add term & privacy URL to theme options
- Improve media settings, prevent errors when enter wrong settings
- Improve admin panel UI, fix RTL issues
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version
- Add Backblaze cloud storage support
- Add option to disable thumbnails generation when uploading images
- Improve cache for better performance
- Optimize source code
- Update third-party libraries to the latest version