Fundorex - Crowdfunding Platform

Nulled Fundorex - Crowdfunding Platform 1.6.0 Nulled

No permission to download
[added] Donation transaction fee settings added
[added] Withdraw payment gateway settings added
[fixed] Donation privacy and policy translation issue fixed
[fixed] Tawk-to issue fixed[improvement] improve security system
[fixed] apple login issue fixed
[fixed] fixed social login issue
[fixed] fixed minor styling issue in donation single page
[fixed] add_extra_column_terms_and_conditions_event_table
[fixed] minor issue fix in donation api
[fixed] auto increase riased amount event in pending payment issue sovled in api.
[fixed] fixed withdraw amount double commission for admin issue fixed
[fixed] remove data table support from user home
[fixed] change strong password validation rules
[added] register page terms and privacy content to api
[added] register page terms and & condition and privacy policy checkbox added
[added] event booking page terms and & condition and privacy policy checkbox added
[added] donation page terms and & condition and privacy policy checkbox added
[added] strong password validation added in register page
[added] phone number field added for event and donation page
[added] apple login support added and deactivate account support added for mobile app
[added] show full html data in campaign details of api
[fixed] show/hide monthly tab based on user settings.
[fixed] fixed hostgator smtp not working issue
[fixed] fix minor css issue in donation separate page
[fixed] gift card css issue fixed
[fixed] newslatter verify issue solved
[fixed] event attendance null issue fixed
[fixed] Attempt to read property title and cost issue fixed
[fixed] fixed installer issue
[fixed] expired reward won't show
[fixed] restricted all media image access to admin
[fixed] tax information issue fixed
[fixed] donation tip show/hide not working issue solved
[fixed] deadline filter added in campaign by category controller
[fixed] dionation is not showing in donation page it deadline is null
[fixed] blog page layout break
[added] aws and mailgun sdk added
[fixed] smtp related issue fixed
[fixed] license related issue solved
Laravel 8x
Required PHP v8.1
Required Mysql v5.7
[fixed] fix manual payment gateway, increase raised amount issue
[fixed] fixed delete payment log make minus amount it raised amount
[fixed] fixed duplicate sum of raise amount in some senario
[added] update api for mobile devices
[fixed] success story listing page responsive issue solved
[fixed] donation single page user verify issue fixed
[improve] now the frontend will only those those campaign which date is not expired
[fixed] manual payment gateway issue solved
[fixed] testimonial section background issue solved
[fixed] system append -2 with new blog post or campaign issue solved
[fixed] maintenance page subscription form issue solved

Version: 1.2.0​

Date: 27 October 2022

[added] mobile app api added for create/edit/update campaign from mobile apps
[added] campaign creator id verification system added
[added] added option to enable decimal points