FRE IPTV Player - TV Channels VOD Video Stream

Untouch FRE IPTV Player - TV Channels VOD Video Stream 1.1 Not Nulled

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessUntouch - FRE IPTV Player - TV Channels VOD Video Stream 1.1 Not Nulled version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.3 MB File size. From FRE IPTV Player - TV Channels VOD Video Stream have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 221 Views.
- Before purchasing this script, please check that your server has the necessary requirements.
- We recommend to test your m3u lists, before buying this Script. Check that your streams are preferably m3u8 compatible.
- Please note that some streams hosted on different servers may not play due to CORS domain policies.
- We will try to answer your messages as soon as possible. *remember that we are human, sometimes it can take us a while to respond, due to personal problems.
FRE IPTV PLAYER is a responsive video script, for streaming IPTV content, anywhere in the world. It is developed with a simple interface for the administrator and the user, allowing its easy installation and use.
Most of the IPTV services do not have a web player, so this script will make it easier for you to access their content, while you enjoy your walk, trip, etc.
thanks to the fact that FRE IPTV PLAYER is written in pure php and does not require any extra plugin for its operation, implementing it on your website is very simple, since it does not require a database; and you can also generate extra income with the pre-roll ad system

the main benefits of using FRE IPTV PLAYER:
  • Bootstrap Responsive 5.1.
  • Conversion from .ts url to .m3u8 url.
  • Basic pre-roll ad system.
  • ADSENSE compatible pre-roll ad system.
  • Video playback from any IPTV provider. *as long as the video provider allows cross-linked playback (CORS desactive).
  • Supports uploading M3U files or M3U links.
  • No database required.
  • Compatible with many browsers.
  • Modify name, logo, description from the administration panel.
  • Add your own CSS and JS code.
Extention type
File size
1.3 MB
First release
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