Fluent Booking Pro

Fluent Booking Pro 1.4.3 Nulled

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- Assign Other Team Members in Team Events
- Fixed Conflict With WP Fusion
- New: FluentBoards Integration
- New: Elementor Integration
- New: Fluent Booking Calendar Shortcode
- New: Reschedule and Cancel Event Triggers in Webhook Feeds
- Assign Team Member Option When Creating Team Meeting
- Added Calendar Event Search Option
- Added Full RTL Support
- Applied Redirection Url in Woo Booking
- Applied Jump to the Next Available Slot Within Date Ranges
- Fixed Round Robin Issue with Unavailable Date
- Fixed Question Fields Not Moving Issue
- Fixed Require Confirmation Not Working With Fluentform
- Implemented feature: Can not cancel/reschedule before meeting start
- Added New Field: Booking Title with smartcodes option
- Added Permission Denied Message input field
- Added Cancellation and Reschedule input fields
- Added missing textarea field in manual booking
- Fixed pending not showing in admin bookings
- Fixed approval email sending issue with woo
- Fixed summary report day not showing issue
- Fixed team block missing description issue
- Improved logged-in user bookings responsiveness
- Added default duration of multi-duration event in url params
- New Gutenberg Block: Logged-in user bookings
- New shortcode: Add booking to calendar
- Implemented booking confirmation require feature
- Google Calendar additional settings
- Clone meetings from other host
- Added formatted date shortcode for mapping with FluentCRM birthday field
- Added ICS file attachment option
- Added Invitee email edit option for admin
- Added option to use custom phone field for sending SMS
- Added help message field in custom fields
- Added format field for date
- Updated group event title for remote group events
- Resolved Nextcloud Calendar sync issue
- Fixed an issue with event details for long descriptions
- Fixed email sent from Fluent SMTP instead of the default From address of FluentBooking
- Fixed the meeting reschedule permission issue for admin
- Corrected display of available days for rescheduled group events syncing with Google Calendar
- Fixed Stripe payment issue when the event was set in other language
- Resolved availability issues for the booking calendar
- Fixed the Gutenberg block's primary color not reflecting across the booking calendar
- Added missing translation strings to improve UI
- New Gutenberg Block - FluentBooking Calendar
- Added Multi-payment Option Based on Meeting Duration
- Implemented PayPal Integration
- Added Stripe Refund Option for Admin
- Mark as Paid Option for Admin
- Custom Redirect URL on Paid Bookings
- Catching Time in Apple Calendar & NextCloud Calendar
- Added New Shortcode - Full Start and End Date Time
- Added Booking Rescheduled Trigger
- Resolved Daylight Saving Time Issue with Europe Timezones
- Fixed Group Event Double Slot Appears Issue
- Fixed Availability Permission Issue
- Improved UI
- Daylight saving time fix
- Fixed issues With multi-hour slot availability
- Resolved minor UI issues
- Improved frontend accessibility - achieve 100% score in lighthouse report
- RTL support
- Added booking type filter in booking listing
- Improved all cleanups
- Fixed booking date mismatch issue
- Fixed cutout time issue of availabilities
- Allow author to update timezone
- Added event slug update ability
- Displayed error messages of booking form
- Added no availability behaviour on schedule meeting
- Improved UI-UX
- Fixed fluent booking menu not showing issue
- Improved Host/Team Member Searching
- Fixed Date Override issue
- Fixed conference options not coming in new event location issue
- Fixed issue with deleted Availability
- Fixed issue with deleted Calendar Event
- Added Calendar Avatar on Round Robin
- Added few missing translation
- Fixed double event created issue
- Updated Buffer Time by host
- Arrange Round Robin Meetings
- Invite Additional Guests Field
- Multi-select Field Form Field
- Custom Date Field in Form Builder
- Internal Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Fixed Integration Settings
- Added Privacy Flag for Google Calendar Integration
- Fix Apple Calendar Integration Issue
- Added Padding to Fluent Forms Block