Firebear Improved Import & Export

Firebear Improved Import & Export 3.8.7

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Magento 2.4.7. Support. The latest version of the extension supports Magento 2.4.7.
Customer Import. Support for separate street columns “_address_street_1”, “_address_street_2”, “_address_street_3”, “_address_street_4” when importing customer & addresses.
Improved Consecutive Export. Now, it is possible to export also last updated entities.
Export Mapping. The “salable_qty” column has been added to the export mapping section when exporting products with MSI data.
Order Export. A new event, “sales_order_save_commit_after,” to run order export jobs has been added.
Customer Import. A new customer import attribute has been added – “allowed_assistance.” It can enable/disable the Allow Remote Shopping Assistant feature.
Order History Import. Now order comments can be imported by the order’s “increment_id”. “status_history:entity_id” and “status_history😛arent_id” are not required anymore.
Custom Options Price Import. It is now possible to import store-specific custom option prices.
Export Filters. Export filters support the following conditions: “=” “!=” “>” “<=” “contains” “not contains.”
Image Import. Additional logging has been added for deferred image import.
Performance. Customer import has improved memory consumption.
Data Storage. The DB’s “mapping” column type has been changed to “mediumblob” in the “firebear_import_jobs” table to allow the storage of more data.
Product Import. The ability to unassign products from the category has been added.
Order Export. It is now possible to export order data in one line to XML and JSON formats.

Fixed bug when product Attribute Value is not imported when using the “<create_attribute>” node.
Fixed PHP “Undefined array key” warning when importing products from a Magento 1 file.
Fixed PHP “Array to string conversion” warning when exporting orders with gift card products.
Fixed PHP “Undefined array key “customer_email“” warning when importing orders.
Fixed problem when order data was not filtered by store view during the export.
Fixed problem when “salable_qty” was not correct after importing products with MSI columns.
Fixed problem with product cache when importing products with the Enabled Cache Products option.
Fixed problem with swatches import when Remote Storage is enabled.
Fixed SQL “Integrity constraint violation” error when importing customer addresses without “entity_id.”
Fixed problem with importing attribute options for specific store view (translations).
Fixed UI issue with category mapping.
Fixed problem with export attribute options when the main option was not exported.
Fixed problem with export to XML when the “Only fields from Mapping” option is enabled.
Fixed php “Deprecated Functionality: strlen()” error when exporting products with attribute options.
Fixed “Status History entity_id is empty in rows” error when deleting orders.
Fixed problem with export job history popup. The problem occurred because of JS issues with job filters.
Fixed problem when order’s “Purchased From” changed unexpectedly during the order import.
Fixed the “Call to undefined method” issue when exporting advanced prices.
Fix bug with unavailable export mapping attributes.
Fix issue with product import when MSI is disabled.

What's new in 3.8.6 release of September 2023​

This release adds a bunch of new features and bug fixes:

  • Log Files Management Automation.In 3.8.6, you can clear import/export log files automatically. Two options are available: “Clear import/export logs by cron” and “Days Saved in Log”.
  • Image Import. A new product import option called “Keep original image name” is available. When enabled, it keeps the original image name when importing images by URL. You can also import images by URL when the URL contains a port number or spaces.
  • Products not in Import List. The “Update Products that are not in the import list” feature now has the following new options: Set products to “Out of stock” status, set products qty to 0, or both.
  • Google Drive Import. 3.8.6 replaces the existing export file on Google Drive instead of creating a new file with a duplicated name.
  • Order ImportSupport for one-line addresses when importing orders.
Visit the changelog page for the full list of updates.
* Export all entities to Google Sheets. Previously only product export was possible.
* Support Magento Remote Storage. Import files & images from a remote storage. [More info on Adobe website](
* `Remove Bundle Product Association`. Add the ability to remove bundle child associations during import.
* Remove third-party dependency `weew/helpers-array`.
* Improve Find & Replace. Extend the list of allowed attributes. Add the ability to apply multiple changes to the same attribute.
* Add ability to export order address street into separate columns.
* Export Returns (RMA) (Adobe Commerce only).
* Improve attributes import. Allow using same attribute code in multiple rows. This can be used when importing attribute to the multiple attribute sets.
* Add new fields to products export: `parent_url`. Add `parent_sku` and `parent_url` to the mapping section.
* Bugfixes:
* Replace deprecated `Magento\InventorySalesApi\Api\IsProductSalableInterface` usage with `Magento\InventorySalesApi\Api\AreProductsSalableInterface`.
* Fix error with export to OneDrive account due to API changes.
* Fix the problem with importing files when import directory is a symlink.
* Use `store_id` from simple product when using `Configurable creation` functionality.
* Fix product stock status on the frontend after the import by updating data in the table `cataloginventory_stock_status`.
* Prevent unexpected autofilling of fields on Import/Export job admin pages.
* Change the logic for order increment id reservation during orders import when option `Use auto-increment for order increment_id` is enabled. Consider table `sequence_order_*` by using core class `Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Manager`.
* Fix the problem with tier prices export when prices were exported only for the first bunch of products.
* Fix the problem with importing tier prices to `All` websites.
* Fix the problem with custom options translation. Now custom_options can be located in different rows in import file.
* Export data by pages to Google Sheets. Previously data was exported at once, sometimes causing memory limit errors.
* Fix the problem with attributes export when only attributes with associated attribute set were exported.
* Fix the problem with exporting translations of multiselect attributes.
* Fix the problem with exporting attributes when columns `options:*` were empty.
* Fix the problem with images import when whitespaces used in `additional_images` import attribute.
* Fix the problem with `Consecutive Export` when running manually from the admin interface.
* Fix the problem with products export when custom table prefix is used in magento.
* Fix the problem with importing files with filenames written in uppercase.
* Fix the problem with json import when multi-dimensional json structure is used.
* Fix error `The path contains a non-existent category` during categories import when import can't recognize current category id in the path.
* Fix php error `Nesting level too deep` when importing categories.
* Fix php error with `array_change_key_case` when importing data from Google Sheets.
* Fix the problem when text attribute values with leading zeroes `0` were imported as integer numbers without leading `0`
* Fix the problem with xml orders export when only orders entity was exported.
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Reactions: azigazicom
This release adds support for Magento 2.4.6 (including M2 Open Source, Commerce, Adobe Commerce and Mage OS) and PHP 8.2.


  • Zend_Validate_Regex is replaced with Laminas\Validator\Regex.
  • Zend_Mime is replaced with Magento\Framework\HTTP\Mime.
  • Zend_Validate is replaced with Firebear\ImportExport\Model\ValidatorChain.