FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders

FileBird - WordPress Media Library Folders 6.4.6 Nulled

No permission to download
- Added: Display caption for lightbox
- Improved: Request handling (conflict with JobBoardWP plugin)
- Fixed: Security (reported by researcher Revan Arifio)
- Improved: UI
- Fixed: Block FileBirdGallery not show
- Fixed: Some IU
- Fixed: Settings issue
- Added: Auto Select Previous Folder in Upload New Media Page
- Added: Change some user settings to global settings, not belong to each user anymore (Folder counter, Theme, Breadcrumb)
- Updated: PL language
- Added: Some new filter hooks

(fbv_user_default_folder: This filter is used to set the default folder for a user. Developers can use this filter to specify which folder should be loaded by default when the user accesses FileBird plugin.

fbv_user_default_sort_files: This filter allows you to set the default sorting method for files within a folder. Developers can customize how files are sorted when the user first accesses a folder.

fbv_user_default_sort_folders: This filter allows developers to define the default sorting method for folders when the user first accesses the plugin.

fbv_user_folder_startup: This filter lets developers define the initial folder or state that should be loaded when FileBird plugin starts up for the user.)

- Fixed: Laggy text selection when using with Divi Builder
- Fixed: Sort folders (display wrong order) in custom post types
- Fixed: CSV Export Vulnerability
- Fixed: Improve Post Type Counter
- Fixed: Exclude trashed posts out of folder count
- Added: FileBird folder column in media list and Post Type table
- Improved: WordPress TableList Drag/Drop
- Fixed: WordPress VIP service doesn’t load FileBird styles
- Fixed: WPML/Polylang not sync file to folder when add new attachment
- Fixed: Folder dropdown not showing in Featured Image upload tab when Elementor is activated
- Improved: Sort default file, default folder
- Fixed: Conflict with MotoPress WordPress Hotel Booking plugin
- Improved: File search scope in list view
- Fixed: Default folder settings not working in Elementor
- Fixed: Default folder settings not saved in some CPTs