EShop - Joomla Shopping Cart

EShop - Joomla Shopping Cart 3.9.4

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1. Improve performance.

In this version, we continue to improve performance of displaying products list by optimize the code to reduce the SQL queries. So EShop run fast and much better now, specially for big store.

2. Layout improvements.

+ Code improvement to move assets folder (include CSS, images, JavaScript) from components/com_eshop/assets/ to media/com_eshop/assets/
+ Use configurable fontawesome icons for Notify, Wishlist, Compare, Question, Email, PDF buttons.
+ Change styles of elements on products list and product details page to make them look nice.
+ Remove almost <p> tags

3. EShop Products module improvements.

+ Replace old slider script/layout by another better one. So slider of products can be setup easily and fully responsive.
+ Improve default layout, make the better display better by some new style.
+ Optimize the module to reduce the code, improve the performance.

4. Cart module / Quote module update.

+ Both of modules can work together on same page now.
+ Fix the issue of remove item from Quote module.

5. Payment plugins / Shipping plugins fixes and improvements.

+ Add Itemid to the link to process payment of all payment plugins.
+ Fix the issue or credit card payment plugin.
+ Fix the issue of CyberSource and PayFast payment plugins.
+ Update shipping plugins to store correct shipping title to order.

6. Other improvements:

+ Download Products update to allow customers to download products if order status is Complete or Shipped.
+ Fix the issue of Minimum / Maximum quantity products.
1. Coupon / Voucher Improvements.
- Add configuration option to remove the coupon / voucher automatically when the cart data is updated.
- Allow customers to remove existed coupon code / voucher code from the cart manually.

2. Support cron-task to process Abandon Cart function.
So beside of running system plugin to send reminder emails of Abandon Cart functions, you can also setup a cron-task from your hosting to do that automatically. The cron-task just need to call to the function:

3. Update payment plugins.
- Update PayPal payment plugin to completely use new IPN verification method by default.
- Update SIM payment plugin to use latest API from

4. Export Orders Improvement.
Allows admin to select which fields of orders to export instead of export all of fields by default.

5. Shopping Cart mode Improvement.
Allows to assign shopping cart mode of a category to specific customer groups. When you do that, only customers from the assigned customer groups can see the cart mode of the products from the category.

6. Some other improvements / fixes:
- Fix an issue of changing product information of weight when selecting an otpion.
- Sort attribute values on EShop Products Filter module by number.
- Fix the issue when searching products by keyword.
- Configuration option to show product attributes on the Table Layout.
- Configuration option to display product short description on the product details page.
full changelog link in here
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1. New library for Zoom Product Image.

2. Search Improvement.

3. Batch Products Process Improvement.

4. EShop Products module Improvements.

5. EShop Manufacturers module Improvement.

6. More improvements and fixes:
1. Smart Search Function.

Joomla 4 will no longer use com_search (search) and it is replaced by Joomla smart search with the improved codebase. Therefore, EShop also supports smart search plugin which can work well with core Joomla smart search on both of Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.

2. New release version 2.4 of EShop Fashion Pro template.

If you are using EShop Fashion Pro template with EShop, then you should also update the Fashion Pro template to latest version 2.4 too. This updates include:

- Fully compatible with latest EShop 3.5.6.
- Update for EShop Search module.
- Update for Content page.
- Update for Contact page.
- Update for Users page.

3. Add new Squareup Card payment plugin.

Add new EShop Squareup Card payment plugin with better UI, support 3D Secure and Compatible with SCA requirement. If you are using EShop Squareup payment plugin, we recommend you to migrate to use this new payment plugin instead to avoid payment is declined.

4. Add 2 other new payment plugins: EShop Paystack and EShop Payengine.

Add 2 new payment plugins: EShop Paystack for Paystack gateway and EShop Payengine for Payengine gateway. So if you want to have the EShop payment plugins for Paystack and Payengine gateways, then they are available now.

5. Other fixes