Engitech - IT Solutions & Services WordPress Theme

Engitech - IT Solutions & Services WordPress Theme 1.8.5

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Author baumgartner
Creation date
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.7.13
- Updated: OT Switcher widget compatible Container elements
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, script.js, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.7.8
- Updated: Theme compatible with Elementor 3.21.x
- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 6.5.x
- Updated: Theme compatible with WooCommerce 8.8.x
- Updated: Update the languages engitech.pot file
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, archive-product.php, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.20
- Updated: Theme compatible with Elementor 3.18.x
- Updated: Enables default language and translation management for 'ot_header_builders', 'ot_footer_builders' in Polylang
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, elementor.php, style.css
- Updated: Theme compatible with Elementor 3.16.x
- Added New: Add 4 homepages - HR Managment, Analytics Software, Support Chat Platform, Webinar Home
- Add New 2 widgets: Engitech Testimonial Slider 7, Engitech Image Slider Sync Tab
- Files Updated: widgets.php, elementor-widgets/image-slider-sync-tab.php, elementor-widgets/image-box-carousel.php,
importer.php, elementor.js, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.16
- Updated: Theme compatible with Elementor 3.16.3
- Added New: Add 3 homepages - SaaS Landing, Mobile App, Software
- Files Updated: widgets.php, elementor-widgets/button.php,
elementor-widgets/tabs.php, elementor-widgets/testimonial-carousel-6.php,
elementor-widgets/pricing-table-4.php, elementor-widgets/pricing-table-horizontal.php,
importer.php, plugin-requires.php, elementor.js, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.14
- Updated: Theme compatible WordPress Latest version
- Updated: Engitech Child theme version 1.1
- Added: Add the functions.php file in the child theme engitech-child/functions.php
- Added: Add the PHP code in the functions.php file in the child theme engitech-child:
+ function engitech_child_theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_get_theme()->get( 'Version' ) /* This only works if you have Version defined in the style header.*/
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'engitech_child_theme_enqueue_styles', 11 );
- Removed: Remove the line of code @import url("../engitech/style.css"); in the folder engitech-child/style.css
- Fixed: Fixed a few minor bugs.
- Files Updated: functions.php, plugin-requires.php, page-header.php, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.11
- Added: Add new 2 homepages: NFT Marketplace, Investment Solution
- Files Updated: style.css, plugin-requires.php, elementor.js, importer.php
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.8
- Added: Add the HTML tag option for the Page title in the theme option.
- Fixed: Fix the slider button nav style in the blog single page
- Fixed: Fix the Entry Media for all post formats in the Engitech Post Grid widget element
- Files Updated: customizer.php, page-header.php, content-single.php, post-grid.php, style.css
- Updated: Slider Revolution 6.6.5
- Updated: Theme compatible with Elementor 3.8.1
- Updated: Template product searchform to version 7.0.1
- Fixed: Two H1 tags on single blog page
- Fixed: In some cases the Circle progress widget doesn't work.
- Fixed: Testimonial Slider widget can't change alt attribute in image tag
- Update files: style.css, plugin-requires.php, product-searchform.php,
content-single.php, testimonial-carousel.php, testimonial-carousel-2.php,
testimonial-carousel-3.php, testimonial-carousel-4.php, elementor.js
Download Engitech v1.4.4 - IT Solutions & Services WordPress Theme Nulled Free
07/10/2022 – v1.4.4

- Updated: Theme compatible with Slider Revolution 6.6.1
- Updated: Theme compatible with PHP 8+
- Fixed: Minor fixes CSS code.
- Update files: style.css, plugin-requires.php