Functional improvements and bugfixes
Compatibility PS v9.0.0
Export mapping: Text When In Stock, Captions and Features is now multilang
Bugfix: default supplier is wrong if supplier is not associated with product
Additional shipping cost added for export
Force ID during restore from backup
New setting: Skip new products if stock is less than or equal to
Compatibility for ets_extraproducttabs module
Functional improvements and bugfixes
Import: attachments from multiple columns
Texture can be updated on existing attribute
Fix for default category in mapping
Find Combination by ISBN
Export: fix with multiple_value_separator usage
Compress export file to ZIP
Rounding for export width and height
CONVERT for export field value
PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.5
- Functional improvements and bugfixes
- New product mapping: Product Type
- New product mapping: and Delete Existing Pack Items
- New combination mapping: Discounted Price
- New setting: skip product from update if MPN exists in
- New setting: Find Combinations By
- Export attachment names and attachment descriptions
- Delete logs older than 1 week
PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.4
- QUANTITY ADD OR SUBTRACT in import mapping
- Logs improved
- Other settings for import rule
- Export multiple values for one feature column
- CRON waiting hour after completion
- Image captions update for existing images
PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.2
- Functional improvements and bugfixes
- Category Mapping Refactored
- Added Product data to combination export
- New mapping: ATTRIBUTE NAME 1,2,3…
- Compatibility for Google Merchant Export
- Categories are imported without deleting existing ones
- Added ceil() and floor() for price rounding
Functional improvements and bugfixes
Plus button for Custom Column in Export
Delete Discount if empty value in file
Import selected images by position
Add any number of related products
Price modifier accepts %, for example: +25%
- Functional improvements and bugfixes
- Assign product from another shop if it already exists
- Bugfix image in second shop
- Bugfix Carrier by ID
- New products/combinations logged
- Find products by Combination Reference/EAN
- Option to change XML root node name in XML export
- Option to change XML item node name in XML export
- Option to download description from URL
What\'s New in Version 7.5.6 (04/10/2023)
- Functional improvements and bug fixes
- New option to import packs