Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT Module

Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT Module 7.7.0

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PrestaShop Compatibility
  1. 1.7.x
  2. 8.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessEasy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT Module 7.7.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.4 MB File size. From Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT Module have 5 Description Attachments, 23 discussion, 19 Updates, 7 Reviews, 1,701 Views.
easy-import-products-from-csv-excel-xml-json-txt (1).webp
Easily import products from CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, TXT files. You can import new products or update existing ones with just a few clicks. You can automate the process with CRON and force it to fetch your file from a specific location i.e. URL / FTP / Path.

WARNING: if you want to import products from an XML file, you must check your file in the demo store to make sure that it will work correctly because the XML file has no specific structure, because it has unlimited nesting depth and exceptional flexibility. structures.

Benefits for traders
Easily import product or combination data from CSV / EXCEL / XML / JSON / TXT files.
Regardless of the size of your file, the module will import all data without any problems.
Server timeout problem is solved with AJAX and partial data import.
Configure CRON to import data from your file from any available location: http, https, ftp, or full directory path.
You can update products either by reference or by ID.
Works very well with large files.
This allows you to export products with just one click.
Supported by Multishop. You can create new products in one particular store and update existing ones in all stores.
Images are not duplicated. The module will check and skip those images that already exist.
Allows you to delete products by import.

How to use It is
very easy to use this module.
Just upload the import file and map columns to the relevant product properties and enjoy flawless bulk import of product data.
If you want CRON to do this process on a regular basis, just tell CRON where to get your file and the module will take care of the rest.

Sample CSV Files
You can find sample CSV files for importing products and combinations right on the module's main page in the documentation section.
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    easy-import-products-from-csv-excel-xml-json-txt (2).webp
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    easy-import-products-from-csv-excel-xml-json-txt (3).webp
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    easy-import-products-from-csv-excel-xml-json-txt (4).webp
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  • easy-import-products-from-csv-excel-xml-json-txt.webp
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Extention type
File size
1.4 MB
First release
Last update
Ratings 5.00 star(s) 7 ratings
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Latest updates

  1. 7.7.0 - 1/22/2025
    Functional improvements and bugfixes Compatibility PS v9.0.0 Export mapping: Text When...
  2. 7.6.8 - 8/7/2024
    Functional improvements and bugfixes Import: attachments from multiple columns Texture can be...
  3. 7.6.7 - 7.6.7 - 4/13/2024
    PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.5 Functional improvements and bugfixes New product...

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