Fix: Decline Consent Button Stores Decision Twice in Database
Fix: AJAX Consent Confirmation Returns 404 When Reload Page Is Disabled.
Fix: empty alert after clicking “Save settings” in the Cookies Manager Modal Window.
Fix: Too few arguments to function plgSystemCookiesPolicyNotificationBar:😱nContentPrepare(), 2 passed, at least 3 expected.
^ Updated: Language files for the following locales have been updated with new constants: da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, and ru-RU.
! Removed: Header comments from .ini language files for cleaner code.
^ Enhanced: Added a validation to check for the presence of the Web357 Framework System Plugin. Displays an informative message if the plugin is missing.
# Minor bug fixes and improvements.
+ Added: A new option to the "Script Loading Time" parameter. The new "Load After Decline" option allows scripts to load after the user has declined cookies. This is useful for scripts that should only be loaded post-decline.
+ Added: New guide on How to Verify Google Consent Mode Status on Your Joomla! Website Using a Chrome Extension.
^ Changed: Updated the Google Consent Mode v2 Guide to reflect the new version.
# Fixed: Bug where selecting only one cookie category in the modal window would cause the shortcode to assume cookies were declined.
# Minor bug fixes and improvements.
# [Bug Fix] Clear cache after consent changes when the System - Page Cache plugin is enabled.
^ The showFooter is now managed by each extension, not the Web357 Framework.
# Fixed JS warning: check if w357_cpnb_outer exists and remove it.
# Resolved conflicts with the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin.
^ Updated el-GR.plg_system_cookiespolicynotificationbar.ini.
^ Fully compatible with the latest version of Web357 Framework 1.9.3
# Minor bug fixes and improvements.
^ [SEO Improvement] Eliminated URL parameters "cpnb_method" and "dt", transitioning from [GET] to [POST] requests.
# [Bug Fix] Corrected the logging issue where saving settings in the modal was incorrectly logged as "Declined" instead of "Updated".
^ [Improvement] Ensured cache clearance after any (accept/decline/delete) action, regardless of the "System - Cache plugin" status.
+ [New Feature] Added functionality to check if JDEBUG is enabled and log each user action in JLogs.
^ [Improvement] Menu item attribute 'view' is not used with 'link' attribute (JED Checker)
^ [Improvement] Missing license to the head of two PHP files (JED Checker)
# [Bug Fix] Remove the duplicate define in all language files J357_PLG_SYSTEM_COOKIESPOLICYNOTIFICATIONBAR_STYLING
! Removed legacy code specific to Joomla! 2.5
^ [Improvement] Updated user retrieval for Joomla! 5 compatibility: replaced getUser() with getIdentity().
# [General Fixes] Various minor fixes and enhancements.
- # [Bug Fixed] Warning: Undefined array key "de-DE". Attempt to read property "sef" on null in /plugins/system/cookiespolicynotificationbar/cookiespolicynotificationbar.php on line 199. [Thank you, Reto Fuchs]
- # Minor fixes and improvements
- + [New Feature] Automating Log Cleanup: Joomla’s Scheduled Task for Cookie Policy Notification Bar. Instructions: [Many thanks to Matthew Philogene for his suggestion]
- # [Bug Fixed] Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /plugins/task/deletecpnblogs/services/provider.php on line 26
- # [Bug Fixed] Warning: Attempt to read property "params" on array in /administrator/components/com_cookiespolicynotificationbar/views/logs/view.html.php on line 61. [Thank you, Maciej Czub]
- # Minor fixes and improvements
- + [New Feature] Fully compatible with Google Consent Mode v2. The full guide is here
- + [New Feature] Enhanced user privacy interaction by implementing a consent-based message display. The message prompts user action for video viewing permissions. Example: <cpnb data-cpnb-cookie-category-id="analytical-cookies" data-cpnb-no-consent-message="Please, consent to see this video"><iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></cpnb> Read more here
- # [Bug Fixes] Joomla! 5 Fixes and Improvements.
- # Minor fixes and improvements
# [Bug Fixes] Major improvements and bug fixes to be fully compatible with Joomla! 5.0.1.
# Minor fixes and improvements
# [Security Fix] Fixes URL injection vulnerability. [Many thanks to Matthias Feindt for his contribution]
# Minor fixes and improvements
# [Bug Fixed] If someone visits the site and clicks "decline", the backend will show that no cookies were accepted. 4 red crosses. However, when we check the cookies via the browser, the required cookies were set. [Thank you, Bernd]
# Minor fixes and improvements
# [Bug Fixed] Even if the user rejects the cookies policy, at the backend, it shows that the user has accepted (msg: 'All cookies have been accepted'). [Thank you, Adrain Versey]
+ [Watchful Partnership] Supports Updates for Web357's Joomla! Extensions. An input field for entering the "Web357 Download key" has been added to the
# Minor fixes and improvements
11-Feb-2022 : v4.2.2
# [Bug Fixed] After facing issues with the "defer" attribute, it has been removed from the script tag.
+ [Improvement] The tag has been added to the extension.xml file to support mass updates from service.
# Minor fixes and improvements