Contact Enhanced Pro

Contact Enhanced Pro 5.2.6 For J4 & J5 + 3.17 For J3

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New Features:
  • Updated the search module to allow filtering by position.
  • The search module filter now works with the city, even if state and country filters are not present.


New Features:
  • Introducing Search by Tags and Contact Custom Fields. You can activate this feature in the Component Options under the Search tab. If you're using a Search Menu item type, be sure to adjust the Search Fields accordingly. Note: In Joomla 5 and newer versions, Custom Contact Fields must be set to Searchable in the Field Parameters.
  • Removed deprecated messages in the Contact Enhanced Content Plugin.
  • Fixed a bug in the Captcha Plugin when using the plugin without saving the parameters.
  • Fixed some minor aesthetic problems when loading the page in dark mode.


New Features:
  • Added additional options to order contacts in the category views.
  • Added the option to display the web page in the List and Thumbnail Layouts.
New Features:
  • Reintroduced the Thumbnails Category view for a more visual navigation experience.
  • Enabled editing of Contact Custom Fields directly from the front-end, enhancing user accessibility.
  • Optimized Google Maps integration with new validation checks to prevent loading issues when contact coordinates are unset or the API Key is missing.
  • Improved user experience by adding automatic refresh for SecurImage Captcha during Ajax form submissions.


  • Enhanced Google Maps loading logic, including checks for valid contact coordinates and API Key presence to ensure seamless map displays.
  • Streamlined user interactions with auto-refreshing Captcha, making form submissions smoother.

Bug Fixes:​

  • Resolved an issue where OpenStreetMaps would not load, ensuring reliable map availability.
  • Corrected a caching issue with front-end contact editing that incorrectly retained the contact id.
  • Ensured compatibility with PHP 8.2+, broadening the component's usability across more server environments.
  • Addressed a dashboard JavaScript error for a cleaner admin experience.
  • Fixed a problem with Ajax Form Submission that prevented multiple errors from being displayed simultaneously. Now, all errors are clearly presented to the user.
  • Adjusted HTML Template labels in Component Options for better clarity.
  • Refined the layout of inline form validation messages, improving form aesthetics and usability.
  • Corrected XHTML validation for the hidden field type, ensuring web standards compliance.
  • Updated the translation for the Submit button to reflect its state after being clicked, enhancing user feedback.
no change log for this version
  • # Fixed small issues and template incompatibilities
  • + Added AcyMailing v7 Integration
  • + Added option to view Recorded Messages from the Front-end by users with edit rights
  • + Ideal Store Locator will now load Featured Contacts before other Contacts;
  • # Fixed Address details displaying twice in for some users;
  • # Fixed small issues and template incompatibilities
  • # Fixed issue with Street Address showing to non logged in users when set to display to registered users only..