Cirilla - Multipurpose Flutter App For Wordpress & Woocommerce

Cirilla - Multipurpose Flutter App For Wordpress & Woocommerce 4.0.0

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Author anne
Creation date
- [Feat] Support Flutter 3.22.x
- [Feat] Custom icons
- [Feat] WPC Linked Variation for WooCommerce
- [Feat] Wc Vendors
- [Feat] Register product custom widget
- [Feat] Wrap home child
- [Feat] Random product in Featured Product widget
- [Feat] Random product in Product by Tag widget
- [Update] flutter_barcode_scanner package
- [Update] Fields shipping address of cart when data empty
- [Remove] http and flutter_svg of dependency_overrides in pubspec.yaml
- [Fixed] Crash on Galaxy Tab, Z
- [Fixed] FileSystemException when saving redirect cookies
- [Fixed] Not show list attribute in refine product list page
- [Fixed] Show wrong coupon
- [Fixed] Get data api track order
- [Fixed] Category in Refine
- [Fixed] Not show list attribute in refine product list page
- [Add]
- [Add]
- [Add]
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Reactions: toligado
Upgrade: Flutter 3.16.x
Bug fixed
Fixed: The source code to be compatible with xcode 15
Fixed: “Izyco payment” Debit card payment error
Updated: Loading in register screen
Updated: View refine product list screen
- [Add-ons] Cirilla – Express checkout add on with Apple and Google pay
- [Plugin] SpeedyPay payment gateway plugin
- [Feat] Pass custom data to build-in screen from custom screen.
- [Feat] Notification sound
- [Add-ons] Iyzico Payment Gateway
- [Feat] Sticky Banner
- [Feat] Profile screen – Adjust button icons in top right screen
- [Feat] Product Item – Show/Hide progress sale in template Curve
- [Integration] Additional Section in Checkout Page by Checkout Field Manager Plugin
- [Integration] Conditional fields in Checkout Page by Checkout Field Manager Plugin
- [Improvement] Config length of passcode in screen mobile verification
- [Improvement] Open deeplink in webview
- [Fix] Escape add-ons data in cart item
- [Fix] Step quantity of product variable
- [Fix] Show twitter’s the news and news story published with a video inside the url in post detail screen
- [Fix] Get url image and text when setting in App Builder
- [Fix] Conditional display style in post screen
And some minor bugs fixed and improvements
- [Improved] Performance open the app
- [Upgrade] Flutter 3.13.2
- [Upgrade] Payment gateway – Tabby (Add-on package)
- [Added] Shipping Method Layout Direction
- [Added] Buddypress – Filter group, member
- [Integration] Better messages
- [Feat] Overwrite custom tab by build in navigation screen
- [Feat] OneSignal Push Notifications
- [Fixed] Error when list category empty
- [Fixed] Displays the coupon price without tax in cart screen
- [Fixed] Go to notification detail error
- [Feat] Layout profile
- [Feat] Integrations – bbPress plugin
- [Feat] Push notification – buddypress
- [Feat] Integrations – B2BKing Pro
- [Feat] Google Fonts Update
- [Improved] flutter_webview_plus package
- [Improved] flutter_shopping_video visibility_detector version
- [Improved] RTL product detail, widgets, product blocks
- [Improved] build:gradle:7.3.0 & device_info_plus: ^9.0.3
- [Fixed] Convert data wishlist
- [Fixed] Value in widget inspired menu bottom
- [Fixed] Top of floating layout creative can’t clickable
- [Fixed] Variable product stock inherit from parent
- [Fixed] Token init after user status changed
- [Fixed] Cart key pass to wallet gateway wrong after login
- [Feat] Query Data Selector
- [Feat] Dynamic product list layout
- [Feat] Buddypress widgets
- [Feat] Sync cart
- [Feat] Geolocation, upload files Flutter webview v4.x
- [Fixed] Data fields shipping/billing address empty
- [Fixed] Order received screen show login form
- [Fixed] Parse gateway data in checkout flow
- [Support] Filter product list with brand
- [Support] Geolocation, upload files Flutter webview v4.x
- [Added] Wallet checkout in custom checkout flow
  • Fix: Not showing billing and shipping in address book.
  • Fix: Short description disappears when the product type is selected
  • Update: ON/OFF Using Biometric.
  • Update: ON/OFF Expand ” Additional Information “.
  • Update: Align direction product