Cargo Pro - Courier System

Tested Cargo Pro - Courier System 7.8.0

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1 – A new feature has been added that allows customers to specify whether parcels can be opened or not during the shipping process.
This option is clearly displayed in shipment details to ensure smooth interaction and accurate understanding by the courier.

2 – Previously, administrators relied on existing states, but now they can create new state entries as needed for their respective countries, enhancing clarity and flexibility

3 – After experimenting with automatic delivery time calculation during shipment creation, customer feedback indicated a lack of flexibility.
Consequently, we reverted to manual selection
1- Cairo timezone has been added to improve synchronization with users.
2 – New regions have been added to expand geographical coverage.
3 – Verification has been added to ensure the accuracy of data entered in the shipping calculator.
4 – Compulsory input of necessary data in the shipping calculator has been added.
5 – Hints have been added to facilitate the first-time use of the site by administrators.
6 – A note has been added to highlight the weight change in the shipping calculator.

1 – The issue of uploading images has been resolved to enhance the user experience.
2 – The problem of shipping prices between different countries has been resolved.
3 – The issue of SMS notifications from Twilio and Nexmo has been resolved.
4 – The shipping calculator problem has been resolved to ensure accurate accounts.
5 – The country code issue on the registration page has been resolved to ensure information accuracy.
6 – The French translation issue has been resolved to improve the user experience.
7 – The total weight problem on the editing page has been resolved to ensure data accuracy.
8 – The tracking issue has been resolved in case of no code or an incorrect code.
9 – The phone number issue for the user has been resolved to ensure information accuracy.
10 – Table permissions have been corrected to ensure proper and secure access.
– Improvements and minor bug fixes.
– Fix responsiv style in shipito themes.
– Fix Create New Shipment In Clinte Account.
– Edit lang AR/EN.
– Improvements and minor bug fixes.
no changelog for this version

– Add WhatsApp notification feature.
– Add support page on website.
– Create recipient page with the option to select the recipient without re-typing the information for each new shipment.
– Create a database backup.
– Create a new appearance for shipment tracking form.


– Fix payment update error.
– Fix Easyship Demo theme issues.
- Fix Api Driver App
- Add a PDF Print in RTL and LTR languages*
- Add Search Shipments by Order id*
- Fix Area Costs
- Fix Value Input Country key
- Fix Shipping Rates
- Fix Show from State & to State in shipment
- Fix Branch Name When it Doesn’t Exist
- Fix Shipping Rates
- Fix input validation in Shipment Calculator
- Fix Customer Name in Shipments Table On Home Page
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
- New.
- Add a PDF Print in RTL and LTR languages*
- Add Search Shipments by Order id*
- Fixes.
- Fix Api Driver App
- Fix Area Costs
- Fix Value Input Country key
- Fix Shipping Rates
- Fix Show from State & to State in shipment
- Fix Branch Name When it Doesn’t Exist
- Fix Shipping Rates
- Fix input validation in Shipment Calculator
- Fix Customer Name in Shipments Table On Home Page
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
- New, add area costs
- New, can be tracking your shipment with order id
- Fix timezones
- Fix shipping calculator
- Fix shipment cost when updating the shipment
- Fix search in branches, customers, and drivers
- Fix print invoice
- Fix show language switcher in web application
v6.8.0 – [ 14 Sep 2022]

- Fixes.
- Urgent fix for creating shipments for the customers,

v6.7.0 – [ 12 Sep 2022]

- New.
- Qwintry New Theme,
- Add Two Languages ( German, Bengali ).
- Add code country with phone.
- Fixes.
- Qwintry New Theme,
- Add Two Languages ( German, Bengali ).
- Add code country with phone.
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.
v6.6.0 – [ 03 August 2022]

- New.
- Goshippo New Theme,
- Add Two Languages ( Turkish, Chinese ).
- Customer Can Create Return Mission.
- Fixes.
- Fix API For Mobile Application.
- Fix Barcode Scanner.
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.

v6.5.0 – [ 03 July 2022]

- New.
- Add import shipment for all users.
- Fixes.
- Fix SSlCommerz payment gateway.
- Fix Instamojo payment gateway.
- Fix Razor payment gateway.
- Fix twilio, nexmo, ssl, fast2sms and mimo sms.
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Fixes.
- Fix Paypal
- Fix Stripe
- Fix Iyzico
- Fix change admin password
- Fix upload the new updates directly from the control panel
- Some improvements and minor bug fixes.