BRW - Booking Rental Plugin WooCommerce

BRW - Booking Rental Plugin WooCommerce 1.6.0

No permission to download
Author theresa
Creation date
- Update some text in backend
- Fix Deposit when add multiple product to cart.
- Fix search map attributes
- Remove source map in javascript file
- Add Quantity for search map
- Update Get package id by durations
- Fix search by package
- Fix class abstract rental types
- Add Hotel Rental Type.
- Add Specifications Features.
- Add product sticky booking button in mobile.
- Add Search Taxi
- Add Search Hotel
- Fix Get customer name in manage order
- Fix click calendar and RTL CSS
- Fix create order in Admin
- Fix reminder email
- Fix card template
- Fix run ajax request booking form
- Update style product tabs Element
- Update language file.
- Fix disable dates
- Fix calculate price by weekday
- Fix WPML for calendar
Update code with option “High-performance order storage” in WooCommerce.
- Add shortcode Product Template
- Add Quantity for Resource, Service, Custom Checkout Field
- Update support mile for taxi type
- Create option limit years on datetimepicker.
Add option display template for Shop, Category, Taxonomy
+ Add Taxi Rental Type
+ Add Some Elements
+ Add New Modern Template
+ Fix some bugs.
+ Fix Check Order
+ Fix Create Order in Backend