Bricks Ultimate - Ultimate Tools for Bricks Builder

Bricks Ultimate - Ultimate Tools for Bricks Builder Nulled

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* New feature – Swatches for the variable products
* Improve – AJAX Search Form element. Added the reset button options
* Improve – Bricks Add To Cart element. Added the swatches options, button layout options, etc.
* Improve – Sliding Menu element. Now you can always display top-level items on page load.
* Fixed – AJAX Search Form is not working on the non-woocommerce site
* Fixed – JS issue in AJAX Search Form element
* Fixed – some other internal issues
change log link
* New element – AJAX Search Form is supporting the multiple query layouts
* Fixed – JS issue in the Off-Canvas element
* Added – .po and .mo file in languages folder
* Modified the Business Hours element
* Fixed - Flex Gallery element. Grid layout is not working properly.
* New loop builder providers - Posts Years and Coupons(woo)
* Added new dynamic tags
* Improved Countdown element. It is supporting the coupon expiry date.
* Fixed - Post classes dynamic tag
* Improved cart item price element
* Improved some internal scripts and other bugs
* New element - WSForms Styler (#1 phase)
* Fixed - AJAX popup is not working with the WP Grid Builder Facets
* Fixed - Fatal error in Countdown element
* Fixed - PHP Warnings
* Fixed - toggle JS issue in the Countdown element
* Added - "Disable auto close" option for the mini-cart panel in Off Canvas element
* Removed query args in Empty Cart button element
* Improved Countdown element
* Fixed PHP warnings
* Added few new element conditions for WooCommerce
* Improved Product Image element. Added Flip and Slider effects for gallery images.
* Added an option "Disable autoclose(Mobile only)" for the Mini-Cart reveal effect.
Hot Fixed -Files are missing. Getting the PHP erros.
* New elements - Slider(Nestable) Arrows and Slider(Nestable) Progress Bar
* Fixed SVG problem in Cart Counter element
* Improved Featued Image related dynmaic tags(title, alt and caption)