[BP] Welcome Notice

[BP] Welcome Notice 1.0.3

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business[BP] Welcome Notice 1.0.3 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 14.9 KB File size. From [BP] Welcome Notice have 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 319 Views.
This add-on was mainly created to use on my site with a new style I was creating for it. I have decided to release it to the community for free. I know users have done this before but this one is free and has a decent amount of options. I was using @BassMan paid add-on but decided to make my own new one with better options and make it more user friendly. This add-on also works with 2.0 but if your not using Xenforo 2.1 or higher you will simply need to change the register button icon from font awesome 5 to font awesome 4. This can be done by simply going to the register button style property and editing the preset css in the extra box.

Options include:

  • Ability to add title, description text, and image right from style properties
  • Ability to make notice full width or partial width right below navigation, directly above forums
  • Ability to make a widget out of it to get use out of other available positions
  • Ability to of course show logged out users only the notice but also for debugging purposes while setting it up to show admins only
  • Ability to show notice on forum home page only.
  • Unique option to add an overlay to keep the welcome image from standing out too much. Can choose overlay colors
  • Option to choose opacity for image
  • Style properties available for custom styling

    If you need help setting it up drop me a message.

    If you've never installed an add-on please refer to the official Xenforo 2 documentation. This add-on uses no php code except to render the widget template. It's mostly done via template
Extention type
File size
14.9 KB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. 1.0.3 - phrase update
    Simply added a phrase for register and login buttons in case someone needed to translate or...

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