BitPay Payment | Accept Payment in Cryptocurrencies By Webkul

BitPay Payment | Accept Payment in Cryptocurrencies By Webkul 4.2.3

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessBitPay Payment | Accept Payment in Cryptocurrencies By Webkul 4.2.3 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 683.5 KB File size. From BitPay Payment | Accept Payment in Cryptocurrencies By Webkul have 1 Description Attachments, 25 Views.
Accept Payments in Cryptocurrencies like BTC, BCH, ETH, WBTC, PAX, DAI etc. from your customers. The Payment method also supports various wallets like BitPay, Copay, Binance, Coinbase etc. to facilitate the transaction via cryptocurrencies.

PrestaShop BitPay Payment module is compatible with PrestaShop multi-shop feature.

Payments are an integral part of eCommerce. Any problem arising in it cost you invaluable sales that might have been yours. That’s why it has become necessary to provide all the payment options so that no customer abandons the cart due to the absence of his/her suitable payment mode.

Nowadays, one such payment mode which is kind of necessary these days is BitPay Payments. The sole reason is the growing use and popularity of Cryptocurrencies these days. Many people now own cryptocurrencies & many times they would want to pay via cryptocurrency only.

Using BitPay to accept payments in cryptocurrencies is very much beneficial. This Payment mode helps merchants to accept payments in Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), GUSD, USDC, PAX, DAI, XRP and BUSD.

Apart from the cryptocurrencies, there are more than 50+ wallets that the BitPay Payment module supports. The name of some of the famous & widely used crypto wallets that it supports is BitPay, Copay, Binance, Coinbase, Edge, Electrum, Bitnovo etc.

The module also offers the merchants to set the transaction speed for the BitPay transactions. There are multiple levels of transaction speed such as Low, Medium, High. The higher the transaction speed, the higher will be the security of transactions.

Apart from the above, some useful features for merchants are:
  • A new payment gateway becomes available for the customers at the store.
  • Use the module in the sandbox or in live mode as per your requirement.
  • Option to set the transaction speed as high, medium, or low to ensure the security of transactions.
  • The confirmation of payment at BitPay depends on the transaction speed.
  • View all the orders placed via the BitPay payment gateway at the backend.
  • Safe, secure, and reliable payment gateway.
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683.5 KB
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