Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme

Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme 1.7.9 Nulled

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Author netman
Creation date
- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: Job Statistics
- *** New Job Dashboard design
- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: Job dashboard keyword search
- *** WPJM 2.3.0 support: reCaptcha v3
- * Custom menu positions for Employer/Candidate extra user menu
- Featured sign on single job listing if listing is featured
- Featured sign on single company listing if listing is featured
- Featured sign on single resume listing if listing is featured
- Tab label control options for the "listing tab search" elementor element
- "None" option in "Default Register User Role" setting
- Location autocomplete for company location field on listing search tab
- Page header template instead of hardcoding in every page
- Company title on job listings logo alt for improved SEO
- "alt" on image tags to improve accessability

- All pages that use page header
- Total refactored of social media sharing functionality
- WPJM Term select field
- WooCommerce Terms & Conditions link in the checkout page will open in a new tab
- Cariera checkbox UI on some instances
- Optimized included image assets
- Theme accessability score
- Semantic HTML
- Theme demo importer performance
- General theme css

- Fix corrupted images & font files
- Sticky header showing on top of popup modals

- Fontawesome icon library to 5.15.4
- All bundled plugins
- Packages for a better development enviroment
- Language .POT file
- Live demo pages for better Semantic HTML flow

- Listing Reports functionality
- Listing Reports dashboard pages
- Deleted "Home Page - Search Banner" template
- Company logos to the "WP Dashboard -> Job Manager" listing list
- Job submission flow into a separate template file
- Resume submission flow into a separate template file
- Company submission flow into a separate template file

- Font icons not loading correctly
- Notice in "Job Alerts" page overflowing horizontally on responsive mode

- Bundled plugins
- Bootstrap Grid styling added to frontend.css
- Enable/disable company submission on job submission form option
- Company category multi-select option for searches like WPJM
- Company view name visibility option like resume manager
- Single Company related companies section
- Related companies option (enable/disable)
- Cariera installation video on "Cariera -> Welcome"
- Taxonomy template handling via single file
- Registration: Validation check when no user role has been selected
- Xing to footer social media

- The theme uses only bootstrap grid now and not the whole package (160kb less loading)
- General theme template handling
- Archive.php template refactor
- Single.php template refactor
- Cariera Core settings handling
- Refactor theme's header codebase (will allow to expand in the future)
- Refactor theme's footer codebase (will allow to expand in the future)
- Single job page: overview code

- PHP error when no user role has been selected on registration
- Company manager PHPCS issues
- Job related option
- Resume related option
- "Company since" field uses correct date format
- Small UI issues in single job listing page version 1
- Small UI issues with blog articles
- Small issues with footer social media
- Job quick load UI issues

- Bundled plugins
- WooCommerce Templates
- Language .POT file

- Bootstrap.css
- Job related option from customizer
- Resume related option from customizer
- *New installation video tutorial to Cariera -> Welcome
- Company grid 3 template
- Company grid 3 to elementor company board element
- Featured jobs under job overview (with option to enable/disable)
- Featured resumes under resume overview
- Featured companies under resume overview
- Job listing category to job overview
- Resume listing category to resume overview
- Single job listing map into its own template
- Single resume listing map into its own template
- Single company listing map into its own template
- Related jobs option to enable/disable related listigns in single job page
- Related resumes option to enable/disable related listigns in single resume page
- Dynamic slider handling for related jobs template
- Dynamic slider handling for related resumes template
- Job application count in REST API for mobile app
- Sticky header on responsive mode (enabled by default)
- Company layout options for Company half map page

- Cariera Company Manager template handling
- Company get_ajax_companies() code
- Job listing overview
- Resume listing overview
- Company listing overview
- Default items per page on company board element is now 10
- Company listings css files
- Cariera Welcome explanation text
- Radius search disabled when "reset" is clicked
- Company category taxonomy page
- Cariera core assets version when theme is in dev mode
- Demo importer when demo content is online and not locally
- Onboarding sidebar button design
- Onboarding support expiration design
- Cariera settings styling

- Sidebar listing search design issues
- Location autocomplete issue
- WooCommerce terms & condidations checkbox invisible
- Listing archive pages _n() issues
- Listing archive pages translation issues
- Dashboard chart not working and stuck on loading
- Job suggestions on keyword search (home page job search form)
- Cookie notice not working despite selected setting
- UI issues with upload file on "job application" form
- Small issue with CF7 on resume and company listings
- Single job v1 & v3 responsive issues
- Single company v1 & v3 responsive issues
- PHP errors when not all "logo margin" options have been added
- "Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without loading=async" warning

- Update core plugins
- .POT language files
- WPJM 2.2.2 support
- Support for WPJM Alerts 3.0.0
- Guest job alerts via WPJM Alerts
- Add alert popup on job listing search
- New design for "My Alerts"
- "featured_first" support for job listings
- New search radius design and handling
- Company search support for listing search box
- Resume search support for listing search box
- Listing search elementor element (handle all search forms via 1 element)
- Listing submission elementor element (handle all submission via 1 element)
- Listing dashboard elementor element (handle all dashboards via 1 element)
- Search button for company search which can be activate with 'cariera_company_filters_show_submit_button' filter
- Actions before and after user details are changed
- Post title in single post article for better SEO

- Kirki integration
- Main functionality for extending Walker_Nav_Menu()
- Single listing 2 page header
- Listing search overall css
- Search radius performance
- Customizer options
- Developer mode for the theme
- Single resume v2 & v3 categories css
- Single resume v2 & v3 responsive mode
- Resume education & experience ui
- WPJM Alerts form in the dashboard
- Theme menu handling and security

- WP Dashboard -> Menus not appearing
- Back to top customizer option not working
- Breadcrumbs customizer option not working
- Job taxonomy background not showing
- Customizer options have default values on install instead of empty
- Demo detailes changed via "my profile" on demo accounts
- Half map "load more" button visibility on responsive
- Single company v1 header info issues on responsive
- Single job v2, v3 overview detail ui issues on mobile
- Single company v2, v3 overview detail ui issues on mobile
- Select2 styling when WPJM Alerts 3.0.0 is active
- Horizontal sliding on mobile devices
- Submission packages price not centered on responsive
- Styling issue for demo content on login/register page
- Pricing table 2 background image not showing
- Job application star rating UI and functionality
- Small fixes on responsive
- PHPCS errors and warnings
- HTML validation errors

- Core Plugins
- Language POT Files24.02.2024
- Total refactor of Cariera Core Plugin
- New templating managment system for Cariera Core
- All shortcodes content has been added into template files
- Home 4 has categories filter now
- Registration disabled template
- Cariera Onboarding is using templates now
- "Forgot password form" into a template
- Social media widget content into seperate template
- X support to "Custom: Social Media Widget"
- Custom Elementor elements content use templates now

- WPJM & addons integration with the theme
- Plugins manager
- Company manager functions
- If user role is empty it will be the default user role setting
- My Profile edit info
- Cariera Core template handling
- Cariera Core performance handling
- "Cariera Welcome" compatible addons
- "Cariera Welcome" gnodesign themes
- Cariera demo handling
- Forgot password security
- Listing taxonomy handling

- PHP Notices on PHP 8.1
- Importer issue
- Update plugins via "WP Dashboard -> Cariera -> Welcome -> Plugins"
- Save empty phone on My Profile
- Single company social buttons alignment issue
- Cariera Settings small UI issues
- Deprecated functions in Company Manager
- Location autocomplete UI on half map when using Leaflet maps

- Core plugins
- Language POT file

- Gamajo_Template_Loader has been removed as a dependency
- Minimun password length option
- Seperated CSS files for WC cart
- Seperated CSS files for WC checkout
- Seperated CSS files for WC single product
- Separated CSS file for listing submissions
- Print single job listing page feature
- Print single resume page feature
- Print single company feature
- Support link in Cariera Settings
- Handling for deprecated functions
- Deprecated notice when user is using cariera_core_is_activated() instead of \Cariera\cariera_core_is_activated()
- 'cariera_delete_account' filter to be able to remove delete account section
- Eye icon to show password on my profile page
- Theme version in "Cariera -> Welcome" below the logo

- WooCommerce asset handling
- "Change user details" uses AJAX now
- "Change user password" uses AJAX now
- "Delete account" uses AJAX now
- Rewritten whole user handling ( login, register ) file
- Support button in "Cariera -> Welcome" added in a separated template
- Further performance improvements
- Cariera Settings UI styling
- Escaped values for improved security
- Data handling on demo account (not able to delete account, edit info)
- Color consistency throughout the theme
- Lighthouse accessibility score
- Demo account info alert on login form
- Dev scss files

- Small UI issues with single listing pages on responsive
- Remove additional "application closes" field in single job page
- Job quickview "company wrapper" styling issues
- Styling not loaded for Category slider element

- Core plugins
- Twitter icons have been changed to X
- Language POT file