Beaver Builder Professional

Beaver Builder Professional 2.8.3

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Security: Add additional sanitization and escaping when rendering URLs to prevent XSS
Security: Fix Reflected (DOM-Based) XSS issue</li>
Security: Fix issues with shortcodes potentially rendering protected content to those without access (#3116)
Escape HTML in UI for saved layouts (#3064)
Fix gradients not displaying at all breakpoints (#3060)
Performance: Optimize Template loading in the UI (#3038)
Code Editor: Shortcodes no longer trigger errors in Ace Editor when Shortcode support in CSS/JS is enabled (#2872)
Node CSS/JS: HTML now detected in JS when Shortcode support in CSS/JS is not enabled (#2929)
Saved Nodes: category will now be added to the HTML in the WP Admin as a class (#2806)
Post Module: add JS trigger event gridScrollComplete to module wrapper for load more and scroll pagination (#1558)</li>
Aspect Ratio: Now allows float values (#2981)

Bug Fixes
WP 6.4: Fix 404 if launching BB on a new post/page with no title (#3040)
Safe Mode: images are no longer cropped (#2662)
Fix equal columns width issue at small breakpoint (#3011)
Fix fatal error with PHP 8.2 if column CSS array key does not exist (#2983)
Accordion Module: Fix live preview of label text color (#2992)
Callout Module: If no text is added, container divs are not added (#2961)
Post Module: Fix pagination on a page with the same slug as the post type being displayed (#2774)
Post Carousel Module: Fix JS error if Move Slides option is set to blank (#3041)
Subscribe Module: Fix Aweber integration with multiple tags (#2985)
Video Module: Fix invalid date in structured data (#3005)
WP 6.4+: Fix extra space at the top of the UI (#3018)</li>
WP 6.4+: Fix JS and pagination issues with modules that use <code>imagesloaded</code> script (#3021)
Revert fix pagination not working on a page with the same slug as the post type being displayed because it is creating issues with WooCommerce pagination
Tabs Module: Fix content from the first tab displaying in all tabs if a slideshow module is rendered in a tab #2968
PHP 7 now required for this and future updates of Beaver Builder. WordPress dropped support for PHP 5.6 in WordPress 6.3 and we are following that(#2767)
Hot Fix
  • Fix equal height columns not working properly on the small breakpoint (#2707)
  • Fix PHP warning in the Post Module (#2704)
  • Fix upload filters being ignored in the new iFrame UI (#2702)
  • Fix negative top margin on row not working when aspect ratio is not set (#2714)
  • Sanitize site URL in slideshow module to prevent a line break in the URL from breaking the JS
  • Fix issues when equal height columns is used: margins are retained, background height is correct and vertical alignment now works properly (#2667)
  • Fix pinned panel not being able to be resized (#2668)
  • Fix color picker going behind the browser bar (#2670)
Hot Fix
Fix row background video fallback photo not working correctly and video size being incorrect
Security Fixes
  • Ensure template type name is sanitized to prevent possible XSS injections (#2538)
  • Performance: Don't make AJAX request if history is disabled (#2438)
  • Performance: set update_term_meta_cache to false (#2445)
  • Performance: Disable debug code that should only be run when Builder UI is open (#2540)
  • Icon Group Module: Link field now supports field connections (#2461)
  • Debug Mode: Show revision count on hover of Post titles and add ability to edit code sections of the BB theme (#2398 & #2499)
  • Post Module: add field connection for Post Element class field (#2549)
  • FLBuilderCSS methods now support an array of selectors (#2478)
  • Updates for WordPress 6.2 and React 18 compatibility (#2566)
Bug Fixes
  • Number Counter Module: Fix counter animating more than once (#2510)
  • Column border still appears even when it's set to 0 (#2416)
  • Fix video background resizing on android device when swiping (#1887)
  • Yoast SEO: Make sure BB templates and categories are not indexable content (#2503)
  • Tabs Module: Fix active tab being set to 0 not working (#2493)
  • Prevent dropping a module inside a Global Column (#2224)
  • Fix gradients on rows not working correctly with Small Data Mode enabled (#2385)
  • Posts Module: Make sure validation for number of columns field only applies to columns layout (#2555)
  • Gallery Module: fix SmugMug galleries being broken on some servers (#2562)