Archi - Interior Design WordPress Theme

Archi - Interior Design WordPress Theme 4.4.16

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Author anne
Creation date
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.5.4
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.7.2
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.7.13
- Updated: Theme compatible with WooCommerce version 9.0.1
- Files Updated: add-to-cart.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.5.2
- Updated: Theme compatible with WooCommerce version 8.7.0
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.6
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.7.3
- Files Updated: shortcodes.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.4.3
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.5
- Fixed: Fix some PHP bugs
- Files Updated: shortcodes.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.4.2
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.20
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.4
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.4.1
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.18
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.2
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 6.3
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.17
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.1
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.16
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 7.0
- Updated: Theme compatible with WooCommerce 8.1.1
- Updated: Update the language file
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, archi.pot, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.13
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.13.0
- Fixed: Hover Image of the product image gallery on single product page.
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.13
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder latest version 6.11.0
- Improved: Improving the "OT Image Carousel" shortcode element with autoHeight, crop image size.
- Files Updated: plugin-requires.php, shortcode.php, designesia.js, style.css
- Updated: Revolution Slider latest version 6.6.10
- Updated: Theme compatible with WooCommerce 7.4.0
- Updated: Theme compatible with PHP 8.1.10
- Fixed: Thumbnail in "OT Image Carousel" shortcode element
- Fixed: Fix some PHP bugs
- Fixed: Fix CSS style WooCommerce search form.
- Files Updated: shortcode.php, plugin-requires.php, designesia.js, style.css