Anywhere Elementor Pro

Anywhere Elementor Pro 2.28.1 Nulled

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* Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version.
* Enhancement: Added option for Reverse Direction when autoplay is enabled in ACF Gallery.
* Fix: Updated the widgets compatibility with the Element Caching feature.
* Fix: Spacing issue when Thumbnails are enabled.
* Fix: Issue when Post Blocks Advance used nested with Ajax Pagination.
* Fix: Issue in Post Blocks Advance some controls are not compatible with WPML
* Fix: Issue with Import Template when corrupted data is saved in the template.
* Fix: Deprecated Elementor CSS classes removed.
* Fix: Wordpress 6.7 compatibility added
* Fix: Compatibility with the latest Elementor Release
* New : Duplicate Templates
* Enhancement: Added Support for Option Relationship field in Post Blocks Advance widget.
* Fix: Issue is some rules not working with WPML in Dynamic Rules.
* Fix: Alt text added to term image tag in Taxonomy Blocks widget.
* Fix: ACF map field is not working for Source: Current Post in Dynamic Map Widget.
* Fix: Issue is adding extra column gaps at the start of the container, instead of between items.
Some other bug fixes.
* Enhancement: Added Thumbnail Feature in AE ACF Gallery Widget.
* Fix: Multiple Swiper Carousel Widgets on same page not working.
* Fix: Added Compatibility with PHP 8.2
Some other bug fixes.
* Enhancement : New option added to disable or enable the ajax in Woo Add to Cart widget.
* Fix: Removed Elementor Deprecated Functions.
* Fix: Compatibility with latest Elementor Release.
* Some other bug fixes.
* New : Added new Skin ‘List’ to AE - ACF Repeater Widget.
* Enhancement : Pagination and Load More button added to AE ACF Repeater widget.
* Enhancement : Alternate Layouts added to AE ACF Repeater Widget.
* Fix: Issue when there is no post in term then template was not applied.
* Fix: Compatibility with latest Elementor Release.
* Some other bug fixes.
* Fix: Issue with ACF field in the Post Block Loop.
* Fix: Compatibility with Swiper in latest Elementor release.
* New: ACF Fields V2.
* Fix: Compatibility issues with latest Elementor release.
* Fix: Some Bug Fixes.
* Fix: Taxonomy template not working on first load after template edit.
* Fix: Compatibility issues with latest Elementor release.
* Fix: Export template option not appearing in some cases.
* Fix: Pods Relationship field not working with Post Blocks widget due to recent changes in pods.
Fix: Fixed WP_Query at multiple places for compatibility with specific custom taxonomies.
Fix: Issue in AE Post Blocks Advance when filter is enabled and pagination is disabled.
Fix: Issue in AE Template’s Shortcode when the template is not found or deleted from the website.
Fix: Added Compatibility with latest Elementor Release.