[AndyB] Convert url all 1.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, Business[AndyB] Convert url all 1.0 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 18.9 KB File size. From [AndyB] Convert url all have 3 Description Attachments, 28 Views.
Converts specified URLs to XenForo format URLs.

This add-on is used to when you have imported from another forum software and want to convert old URLs to XenForo URLs.

Example of UBB URL that has been converted:

(UBB format)

(XenForo format)

(Example of Convert url all page)

(Example of Convert url all confirm page)

(Example of Options page)

Supports query parameter.
Supports subdirectory.
Support creating URLs which go to the threads or posts.

How to use:
  1. Go to Options page and options.
  2. Add 'converturlall' to your forum URL.
  3. Verify URLs that will be converted.
  4. Click Prepare rebuild table link.
  5. Follow instructions to convert URLs.
Questions and answers:
Q: When I import into XenForo, do I need to select to retain IDs.
A: Yes.

Q: What type of URLs are converted?
A: URLs to threads and or posts. If the post ID is the first post of the thread, a thread URL is created, otherwise a post URL is created.
Extention type
File size
18.9 KB
First release
Last update
Ratings 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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