Improvement: Added busyness display for each date on the new booking forms
Improvement: Added filter for changing header information sent in Webhooks
BugFix: Fixed issue with Approved Notifications for customers with Pending status
BugFix: Fixed issue with reminder notifications when “Minimum Capacity” is set
BugFix: Fixed issue with not being able to add Appointments on back-end when the amelia_read_others_appointments capability is added to Amelia Employee role, through a Role Management plugin
BugFix: Fixed issue with online payment methods and price 0 when coupons with 100% discount are used
BugFix: Fixed issue with price of the Event when some type of ticket is disabled
BugFix: Fixed issue with event_start_date_time placeholder, with not showing the first date when Event has multiple dates
BugFix: Fixed issue with changing the email when booking appointments as a logged in user, by disabling the possibility of email change in the booking process
BugFix: Fixed issue with appointment_price placeholder not showing the correct amount in the Employee Reminder Notifications, when the price is multiplied by the number of people selected in the booking process
BugFix: Fixed issue with Amelia payment status and WooCommerce orders, when status of order is Completed
BugFix: Fixed issue with payments from Customer Panel not working, when customer has a date of birth set
A major update with a great redesign, one large feature, a couple of improvements and bug fixes:
Feature:Completely redesigned and modernized Catalog Booking Form with options to add filters and category sidebar for easier user experience
Feature:RESOURCES – Ability to create shared or single resources that limit the bookings, available only in Pro and Developer licenses
Feature:Added option to allow canceling packages inside the Customers Roles Settings
Feature:No-Show status for easier customer management
Improvement:Event Organizer column added to the Events page
Improvement:Changed names of Exported events – each exported file is now named by event name
Improvement:Payment Name, Payment Status and Coupons Used Info are now part of the Employees Panels
German, Czech, and Dutch translations updated
Event Calendar Booking form improved – fixed issues with displaying more than one Event Calendar Booking on the page and issue with displaying images in the events’ galleries
BugFix:Fixed issue with booking recurring appointments when time slots are already booked and employees are selected randomly
BugFix:Fixed issue with WhatsApp Notifications and difference in language variations
BugFix:Fixed issue with showing the Event custom price when it is hidden on the Customize page
BugFix:Fixed issue with special days and unassigning services on the employee’s profile
BugFix:Fixed issues with the new Step-by-step Booking Form: applying primary color to the service dropdown when there is only one category; adding videos as attachments to the custom field; Period available for booking in advance
BugFix:Fixed multiple issues with the admin’s back-end Calendar
BugFix:Fixed issue with focus and scroll on the Event List Booking form
BugFix:Fixed issue with displaying the description in one line in the Outlook calendar
Feature: Limit appointments, packages and events per customer
Improvement: Saving customers’ languages so all notifications can be sent in the same language when the appointment is made from the admin dashboard or employee panel
Improvement: Added an option to change and translate payment labels On-site, Stripe and Online on the Customize Booking forms 1.0
BugFix: Fixed issue with customers’ birthday information in exported CSV file and not being able to remove birthday information once added to customer’s profile
BugFix: Fixed isse with BuddyBoss integration in connection to functions.php file
BugFix: Fixed issue with WhatsApp notifications and different language variations
BugFix: Fixed issue with Payment amount information on Congratulations page when recurring appointments are booked with WooCommerce
BugFix: Fixed issue with custom fields not being sent in notifications using the ‘Package appointments details’ placeholder