Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin 8.1.1

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Download Amelia v4.2.0 - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
v4.2 (16.09.2021)

Major update with several features, integrations, bug fixes, and stability improvements:
  • Integration with Lesson Space for making online classrooms
  • Integration with Buddy Boss for adding the booking functionality and panels for managing appointments into the employees’ and customers’ profiles
  • Feature: Added text styling options for descriptions (Services, Events, Packages, Extras, and WooCommerce) so now you can style descriptions easily
  • Feature: New option regarding deposit payments so now admin can enable full and deposit payments together so the customer can choose what to pay during the booking
  • Feature: Added Location filter on the Events List Booking form
  • Improvement: New look for the payment options on the Booking forms
  • Improvement: Supported HTML in Email notifications
  • Improvement: Closed Events can now be opened so attendees can get info about the closed event
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with booking appointments from the package in the Customers panel
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with adding events in the time slots that were previously booked in Outlook Calendars
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with sorting packages
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with weekly recurring option
  • Added new Spanish translation
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements