Akeeba Ticket System Pro

Akeeba Ticket System Pro 5.3.6

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New features​

  • Improved support for Joomla! 5.1's backend colour schemes

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Error displaying tickets to logged-in users when using the MySQLi driver in Joomla!
  • [LOW] Unintended dependency to Joomla's compatibility plugin due to XML form filtering

New features​

  • Added more variables to the assigned ticket email
  • Updated environment stats collection code

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] ATS Show On plugin fails on Joomla! 4.4 and 5.0
  • [HIGH] Mailfetch no longer works with Microsoft mail accounts
  • [LOW] Typo in the default email content for edited tickets sent to the ticket owner

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Removing obsolete attachments did not delete any attachments

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Improved display under Joomla 5's Dark Mode (backend only)

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Status filtering in the frontend no longer worked

What's new?​

Joomla! 5 support. We have addressed the backwards incompatible changes introduced in the week leading to the release of Joomla! 5.0-Beta1. Please note that Joomla! 5 is still in beta and should not be used on production sites.

New email templates for edited posts. In the past, the same email template as the new ticket or ticket reply was used when editing the post (depending on whether it was the first post of a ticket or not). Now you have a specific mail template for edited posts.

Mail fetch: recognise replies based on the existence of "Re:" or equivalent in the email subject. In the past, replies to tickets were recognised based on the existence of the "reply below this line" text, or a mail header. The former may be accidentally left out of the mail template, and the latter may be removed by some mail clients. ATS can now recognise ticket replies based on the subject line, as long as it contains a reply marker (e.g. “Re:”; this can be configured) and the ticket number in the format #1234 (a hash sign followed by the ticket number). The default reply marker list covers a multitude of languages, not just English.

Image and link URLs are converted to absolute, allowing them to work in the backend and over email. In the past, any image added to a ticket in the frontend would only be visible if you viewed the ticket in the frontend of the site. Viewing the ticket text in the notification email, or the backend would result in a broken image. We addressed this by automatically converting relative image paths inserted by Joomla!'s Media Manager into absolute paths.

Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] "Sort Table By" param is now working correctly

New features​

  • Joomla Privacy plugin

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Backend manager note view: Save and Save & Close were swapped
  • [LOW] Backend post edit view: Save and Save & Close were swapped
  • [LOW] Backend ticket view: Save and Save & Close were swapped
  • [LOW] Some ordering values were not applied on frontend
  • [MEDIUM] Plugins not enabled on clean installation

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] The mail gateway messages were not sent to users sending replies / new tickets over email
  • [LOW] Cannot display CRON logs
  • [LOW] Microsoft Exchange / Microsoft 365 / Office 365 service changes require using an older(!) TLS version

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Address PHP 8.1 deprecated notices in the third party Horde library
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Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Wrong grammatical case (nominative instead of genitive) in months in some languages e.g. Greek
  • [MEDIUM] Clients can access their unpublished tickets
  • [MEDIUM] Clients can edit and post replies to their unpublished tickets by manipulating the form data

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Link to the past post above the first post in the frontend ticket view.
  • Redirect to the login page if trying to view a ticket you don't have view access to and you're not already logged in
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New features​

  • Improved component menu with relevant quick action

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Attachments directory was breaking when installing an update
  • [HIGH] Cannot see My Assigned Tickets if I am a category-only manager
  • [HIGH] Cannot see the Latest Open Tickets if you are not a global Manager but only have view private OR manager privileges in select categories
  • [LOW] Frontend user selection dialog may be too small to be usable on some screen heights
  • [MEDIUM] Cannot save managers' notes if you access a ticket through a specific category menu item

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Save and Save & Close buttons are now separate, as per Joomla 4.2 UI guidelines
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