Ajax Load More: Single Posts Addon

Ajax Load More: Single Posts Addon 1.5.3 Untouched

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Author baumgartner
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Extend the core functionality of Ajax Load More and enable infinite scrolling of complete posts on W
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Download and Discuss Premium, Business Ajax Load More: Single Posts Addon 1.5.3 Untouched version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 36.7 KB File size. From Ajax Load More: Single Posts Addon have 1 Description Attachments, 2 discussion, 492 Views.

Extend the core functionality of Ajax Load More and enable infinite scrolling of complete posts on WordPress single post templates.

URL Rewrites - As visitors scroll, the browser address bar is updated to the URL of the post currently in view.
Progress Bar - Display a reading progress bar indicator at the top or bottom of the browser window.
Post Preview - Show a preview of Ajax loaded posts and have visitors click to load the remainder of the post.
Post Ordering - Take full control over the ordering of upcoming posts by selecting a post order type.
Google Analytics - Track user interaction by sending pageviews to your Google Analytics account.
Fwd & Back Buttons - Allow visitors to navigate between ajax loaded posts using their forward and back browser buttons.
Post Types - Add infinite scrolling to single post templates for both standard WordPress Posts and Custom Post Types.
Term Query - Single Posts can query posts from the same taxonomy term(category, tag or custom taxonomy).
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File size
36.7 KB
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