Ajax Search Pro - Best Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin

Ajax Search Pro - Best Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin 4.6.12

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New Features

User search avatar images source size can be adjusted now (#128)
Predicted search results can be enabled for the search results page now (#129)


The search query arguments is converted to a type safe object with array access for better type hinting for developers (#124)
Fixed an issue where incorrect column width would cause a crash (#127)
Added backticks to avoid possible conflicts with reserved keywords within the query (#126)
Fixed a dependency for the block editor scripts (#119)
Fixed an issue with custom templating path for multisites (#122)
Fixed an issue with the index table and the "EXACT AND" keyword logic (issue 121)
Fixed minor issue with the input form for some themes (issue 77)
Fixed an issue where the asp_option_checked CSS class was not added to the checked checkboxes for the post type filters (#130)
Fixed a notice which triggers when the search bar was previewed before saving the first time (#131)
Build 5069

Fixed an issue with the newest IOS Safari and the custom field labels (issue 114)
Fixed an issue with the secondary custom field ordering, when used in combination with the primary custom field ordering (issue 115)
Fixed an issue with the wp-cache directory mask and creation (issue 116)
Updated the API endpoints and methods for the automatic update script (issue 118)
  • Fixed an issue with the index table negative and stop-words (issue 111)

  • Added asp_option_selected CSS Class to parent label elements on Checkbox and Radio filters for better style targeting for developers (issue 108)

WPML String Translation compatibility fixes (issue 103)
Index table negative keywords now exclude even partial matches to the keyword (issue 107)
Advanced Title and Content fields HTML tag improvement updated (issue 104)
Fixed an issue with the secondary ordering interface (issue 105)
Fixed an issue with the tag filters when using the radio button layout (issue 106)
Fixed an issue with the random ordering parameter (issue 109)
All fixes and issues for 4.26.9 can be found here.

New Features​

Ordering results by Post Modified date asc/desc is possible (issue 98)


  • The index table custom field object indexing has been improved (issue 99)
  • The meta boxes compatibility option now affects the Classic Editor buttons - they are hidden for non-selected post types (issue 96)
  • Fixed a potential compaitibility problem with Breakdance editor
  • Fixed an issue with an option inconsistency
  • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Title & Content fields HTML tag handler - now the tags should be correctly stripped
  • Fixed an issue with the taxonomy term checkboxes - where the checkboxes does not get unchecked when they are hidden - regarless if this is enforced.
All issues regarding 4.26.8 can be found here.

Advanced Title and Content fields now detect Post Type objects and Post Type object arrays automatically. When objects are detected the title is fetched by the ID field.

Improved the asset loader with a common interface to make sure to avoid known issues with certain ajax requests


Fixed some missing translations
  • Predictive search results suggestions
  • Google Tag Manager (GTM, gtm.js) support for analytics integration
  • PDF results thumbnail generator with ImageMagick. Please check this knowledge base for configuration.
  • Keyword highlighter – now works for the search results page too
  • Custom field filters – “range inputs” filter type. Two numeric input fields for price etc
  • Live Filtering of Archive pages is not supported

New Features​

Added a new argument for the
  • "separator", which is used in joining the values, when the custom field value is an array
  • Added an option for taxonomy term filters: Filtering by parent terms should also include the results from children? If a post from child category is not directly assigned to the parent category as well, this will force the filter to still apply if the parent category is selected.
    • Added support for Advanced Custom Fields Repeater/Theme Builder fields index and search


  • Fixed an issue with the PDF thumbnail generator, where the thumbnail was not generated when the default image was selected.
  • PDF thumbnail generator now also checks for pre-generated thumbnails from WordPress, and use those if available and will also respect the selected image size
  • Fixed a conflict with WooCommerce ajax cart feature
Fixed an issue with the number range custom field filter - where redirecting to the results page with the empty filter range would end up with "0" values filled in with potential no results.

  • Fixed an bug with index table taxonomy and custom field search
  • Fixed a bug where the random ordering was not applied in some cases
Possibly final preparation/bugfix update before 4.27
full change log in link