Aheadworks Helpdesk Ultimate (latest as of 09/2019) 1.4.0

Aheadworks Helpdesk Ultimate (latest as of 09/2019) 1.4.0 1.4.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessAheadworks Helpdesk Ultimate (latest as of 09/2019) 1.4.0 1.4.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. From Aheadworks Helpdesk Ultimate (latest as of 09/2019) 1.4.0 have 447 Views.
Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 2
Current extension version: 1.4.0
Cover each aspect of customer ticket management.

  • Configurable automatic ticket actions;
  • Ticket pages with detailed order info;
  • Tickets can be sent to carbon copy recipients.

Automated actions
Change ticket priority, status, responsible agents/departments, etc. automatically

‘All-in-one’ ticket page
View the main ticket/customer info and send messages to customers from a single page

Carbon copy emails
Send tickets to CC recipients to ensure the maximum privacy of ticket management

How Magento 2 Help Desk Ultimate Works
Effectively handle customer tickets with the Magento 2 Help Desk Ultimate extension! Manage tickets by assigning/re-assigning them to particular departments and agents. Attach files to ticket threads and leave internal notes. Automate ticket actions, including email alerts, status/priority editing, changing responsible agents/departments. Resend tickets to CC recipients.
First release
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