Advanced Ads Pro

Advanced Ads Pro 3.0.2 Nulled

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- Fix: prevent PHP errors for some groups using passive Cache Busting
- Fix: ensure the correct saving of the group margin value
- Fix: correct an incorrectly called admin notices class
- Fix: resolve issue with shortcode ads not displaying on multisites
- Improvement: update German, German (Austria), German (Switzerland) and German (formal) translations
- Improvement: show Ad Health notice when ads are disabled for selected post type
- Improvement: update German and German (formal) translations
- Improvement: display required modules for adblocker fallback item
- Improvement: display required modules for Lazy Loading
- Improvement: allow use of existing MaxMind database files via filters
- Fix: allow "parent page" and "post meta" display conditions to work with AJAX Cache Busting
- Fix: allow Gravity Forms shortcode to work with AJAX Cache Busting
- Fix: avoid storing browser width when `ADVANCED_ADS_RESPONSIVE_DISABLE_BROWSER_WIDTH` is defined
- Improvement: update Arabic translations
- Improvement: provide vanilla JavaScript instead of jQuery code in the Ad Server usage box
- Improvement: add manual links to pro options on ad edit page
- Fix: remove a deprecation warning when running placement tests
- Improvement: update the MaxMind license key and database UI on the settings page
- Fix: show more than two ads in a group if the position option and AJAX cache-busting are used for a placement
- Improvement: add a link to the pro setting to the refresh interval description when the cache busting module is not enabled.
- Improvement: add support for URL debug parameters
- Improvement: hide ads right after reaching "max ad click" visitor condition limit
- Improvement: show helpful hints about displaying ad groups using cache busting
- Improvement: unify "Manual" link layout with the general UI
- Improvement: update Arabic translations
- Fix: allow to enter profile type title instead of ID in "BuddyBoss profile type" condition
- Fix: honor the target settings for links in background ads
- Fix: improve tracking code in background placement
- Fix: make :eq selector of Custom Position placement accept numbers > 9
Download Advanced Ads Pro v2.17.0 + Free v1.35.0 + All Addons- The WordPress Ad Plugin Nulled
= 2.17.4 (July 11, 2022) (Pro) =

- Improvement: allows other plugins to pass extra data on selecting ad with AJAX cache busting
- Fix: make Tracking add-on track static ads when cache-busting default options is "ajax"

= 1.35.0 (August 9, 2022) (Free) =
- Improvement: remove frontend picker functionality from the frontend `advanced.js` JavaScript file
- Improvement: save the Advanced Ads version as postmeta when saving an ad
- Fix: make AdSense ad unit list ordering case-insensitive
- Fix: hide widget types that should not be offered by the Legacy Widget block
- Fix: respect unfiltered_html capabilities and constant for plain text ads
- Improvement: implemented PHP-based "Custom Position" and "Above Headline" placements
- Fix: prevent PHP 8 deprecation notices
- Fix: remove obsolete code for handling groups in cache-busting