Active eCommerce Flutter App

Active eCommerce Flutter App 4.8.0

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Added Notifications
- Added Frequently Bought Products Section in product detail page.
- Recently / Last viwed products added.
- Added order repayment option for unpaid/ failed orders.
version : 4.6.2 (09/05/2024)
- Implemented Guest Checkout option.
no change log for this version
- Added Classified Products create option
- Added MyFatoorah payment gateway
- Added PhonePe payment gateway

this version was uploaded in discussion ,you can find it from here .and it is not cost credits for everyone
Added Payfast payment gatewa
- Reorder option is given
- Now customers can input the quantity in product description before adding to cart
- From now on auction bided list is sowing
- From now on, purchased auction products are shown
- After registration on the verification page, customer now get an option to logout
- Bug fixing
- Cart system
- Currency did not change properly now fixed
- "On Delivery" delivery status is now changed with "On the Way"
- Set proper alignment of product description in product detail page
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Reactions: Ashrafulislam007
- Maintenance mode option is added
- Instamojo payment gateway system is added
- An option to cancel an order is provided in the order detail page
- Estimated shipping time is now shown in product detail page
- Unit option is now shown on the product detail page
- Bug fixing
- Social login with Facebook option is fixed for the iOS app
Upgraded Flutter version to 3.10.4 with null safety
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Reactions: surendra4449