66BioLinks - Instagram & TikTok Bio Links & URL Shortener (SAAS Ready)

Nulled 66BioLinks - Instagram & TikTok Bio Links & URL Shortener (SAAS Ready) 54.0.0 Nulled

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no change log for this version
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the pixels system via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set the default order by via the account preference page for Links & QR codes.
Implemented the ability to set a default QR code image for the QR code generator.
Implemented the ability to check and manage biolink blocks via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to filter, export, bulk delete biolink blocks via the admin panel.
Implemented Continent display options settings for biolink blocks.
Implemented Browser display options settings for biolink blocks.
Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Video biolink block.
Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Audio biolink block.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the biolink themes system via the admin panel.
PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
Improved the custom domains system caching to require less manual cache removals.
Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
Improved numerous feature systems to not run extra checks and queries if that particular feature is disabled (domains, themes, templates, pixels...etc).
Reworked the admin panel - settings - links page for better categorization.
Added 4 new great fonts for the QR Code framing system & biolink pages.
Added widget counters for all the link types for the Admin panel User View page.
Collector type biolink blocks will now have the submit button reactivated on a new browsing session after 1 submission.
Improved image grid biolink block to support 3x images per row for the mobile view as well.
Improved admin panel biolink theme section to support the Description color setting as well for some blocks.
Fixed issues with some biolink blocks not properly removing the uploaded thumbnail images.
Fixed biolink block shadows not working properly for Markdown, Review & Timline blocks.
Fixed QR Code bulk creation not working in some cases when the API system is disabled.
Fixed QR code system issue with automatically refreshing the QR code even when not needed and blocking the submit button for a while.
Fixed QR code system broken links in dynamic QR codes.
Fixed issues with set filters after deletion of certain resources.
Fixed QR code page not auto updating the QR when removing uploaded images.
Fixed QR code system issues with transparency settings.
Fixed statistics cities section not properly showing the country name / icon.
Fixed statistics retention automatic clearing not properly taking into consideration the user plan.
Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.
Fixed admin panel push notifications campaign filters not saving properly - push notifications plugin.
Fixed admin panel push notifications pagination not properly working - push notifications plugin.
Fixed a few potential security issues with some parts of the software.
Fixed splash pages not properly saving some types of ad codes.
Implemented the ability to set a default branded logo for all QR codes.

Implemented the ability to toggle the default branded logo from QR codes based on the plan settings.

Implemented QR Code Bulk Creation system.

Implemented QR Code Bulk Download of all images capability.

Implemented QR Code Bulk Deletion capability.

Implemented the ability to set the First & Second alert for Event Types in QR codes.

Implemented the ability to set a custom foreground image & its transparency for QR codes.

Implemented new Dynamic QR code generator that will automatically show the custom created pages links.

Implemented the ability to change the Encoding of the QR code.

Implemented new Short URL feature that can automatically forward query parameters to the destination.

Implemented new Short URL feature that allows you to easily generate UTM parameters.

Implemented automatic scanning for QR codes that can tell you whether your code is readable.

Implemented Custom Domains Bulk Deletion capability.

Implemented Projects Bulk Deletion capability.

Implemented Pixels Bulk Deletion capability.

Implemented AI Images Bulk Deletion capability.

Implemented AI Images Bulk Download capability.

Implemented the Export to PDF functionality to the frontend app.

Implemented VK video embed block for biolinks pages - Pro Blocks Plugin.

Implemented the Contact Collector block for biolink pages.

Implemented the Twitter Video Embed block for biolink pages - Pro Blocks Plugin.

The Web Tools feature is now displayed in a nicely designed section on the homepage.

Implemented the new GPT 4 Turbo model for the AIX plugin.

Reworked the Data collection page and also implemented bulk deletion capability.

Improve the modal look of the Email / Phone collector blocks for biolink pages.

Improve QR code event type embedded data.

All password fields now have a button to toggle the visibility.

CSV & JSON export files are now dynamically named by the title of the page.

Filters are now kept after a successful resource deletion (instead of resetting the filters).

The currency switcher is now only displayed in pages which are related to making payments.

Many other subtle improved visuals in certain parts of the product.

Improve all bootstrap CSS files to generate themselves smaller without unused components.

Fixed issue with Microsoft Login - now it will only work if the user initially created his account with the Microsoft Login feature.

Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on referrer paths from statistics page.

Fixed issue with CSV & JSON export on UTM Medium / Campaign from statistics page.

Fixed all chart issues when enabling printing from the browser.

Fixed admin panel printing not being scrollable.

Fixed a few sanitization issues in the backend.

Fixed Twitter embeds for biolink pages not working with the new x.com links.
Implemented the ability to translate plan titles, descriptions from the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set the caching timer in the admin panel for the dashboard statistics chart.
Implemented tools system categorization.
Implemented the ability to set a Link & Alt image details for the Avatar biolink block.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the QR code types from the admin panel.
Implemented more details and capabilities for the SSL Lookup tool.
Implemented top most popular widget for the tools system.
Implemented views tracking for the tools system.
Implemented Brotli Checker tool.
Implemented Barcode reader tool.
Implemented HTTP2 checker tool.
Improved look of the teams delegation header bar.
Auto font type change preview implemented for the biolink editing page.
Reworked majority of biolink blocks image file inputs to support the new upgraded way of displaying and uploading.
Implemented filter to search by Pixel ID on the Pixels page.
Implemented direct link to Links from the Pixels page, to filter based on the used pixel.
Implemented direct link to Links from the Domains page, to filter based on the used domain.
All image input fields now have a way to remove the selected image file to upload.
Improved the teams page from the teams plugin to look better and display the total teams.
Improved the menu dropdown logo to automatically change when theme is switched light to dark (or vice versa).
Improved the theme settings in the admin panel to support the Offload plugin.
Numerous other visual consistency cleanups and code optimizations.
404 pages now display a button to the dashboard if a user is logged in.
Easier navigation to the homepage or dashboard from the admin panel sidebar logo.
Chart colors now automatically adjust based on the theme settings you set in the admin panel.
Admin panel user editing now propagates to all SSO connections.
Fixed issue with code redeeming via the Account redeem page.
Fixed links tracking system not tracking referrers properly when coming from the same domain.
Fixed biolink blocks not tracking stats properly.
Fixed QR code deletion not deleting the background file.
In case you use the Theme functionality on the Admin panel - settings - theme, you must re-add your theme values after the update.
Implemented QR Code Custom Background Branding feature.
Implemented QR Code FRAMES feature - coming with 8 different frames.
Implemented QR Code responsive & resizable frame text feature.
Implemented QR Code frame text fonts selector feature.
Implemented QR Code frame custom colors for the frame and text.
Implemented UPI payment - QR code type.
Implemented EPC payment - QR code type.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable AI scraping on your website content - from the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to configure and set background Blur for the biolink pages & themes in the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to configure and set background Brightness for the biolink pages & themes in the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set a default biolink theme or template via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to configure biolink templates on a per plan basis.
Implemented new handler for pages that do not show data because of filtering for better UX.
Reworked many file image uploaders to support image preview & look better.
Added the currency parameter to the Thank You page URL after a successful payment.
Improved Offload plugin - region can now be edited in all cases.
Improved Static Pages Links to handle different uploaded file types, for a more robust static pages system.
Added more fonts to biolink pages selector.
Static Pages Links are now featured in the default landing page.
Removed deprecated AI models - AIX plugin.
Improved the QR code creation and update page with a new and intuitive QR code type selector.
Improved short URL app linking feature to have a fallback in case the particular app is not installed on the phone.
Improved short URL app linking feature - Added Twitter, Reddit, Amazon, TripAdvisor detections.
Improved the biolink page settings/blocks - when a new collapsible block is opened, the rest will close.
Added the ability to set a default tab (settings or blocks) for biolink page editing from the admin panel.
Branding section for custom pages can now contain dynamic variables, such as the affiliate tag of the user.
Fade in animation for all pages is now reduced from 1s to 500ms for a faster and snappier feel.
Removed complex fade animations for the hero section on the landing page to improve LCP for SEO purposes and UX.
Improved Pixels feature look on the landing page.
Improved header text and buttons in some app pages not being consistent and responsive properly.
Improved Spotify block to support playlist links as well.
No data, Thank you, Affiliate, 404 svg images now support dynamic colors - based on the theme color.
Improved the affiliate page, now it will show a range of potential commissions (ex: "10% - 50%" instead of "variable commission").
Improved the admin panel theme page to be a bit easier to understand.
Fixed language creation/updating when using certain characters in the name of the language.
Fixed broadcast statistics viewing page issues.
Fixed statistics pages navigation styling inconsistencies.
Fixed AI Documents creation issues with old models (token limitations) - AIX plugin.
Fixed splash pages title not being saved when creating a splash page.
Fixed biolink favicon not being deleted when deleting the actual biolink page.
Fixed biolink image slider duplication or usage via a template, leading in some cases to randomly removed image slider images.
Fixed SSO issue when using it with a logged in team member.
A lot of other behind the scenes things that have been changed and improved.
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Implemented the ability to enable and display latest Blog posts on the homepage footer.
Improved the top menu dropdown when being logged in, showing all internal app links.
Reworked the whole discounts system to be able to choose the Plans for the discount, directly on the discount creation page in the admin panel.
Cookie consent dependancy upgraded and improved to support RTL.
Improved the admin panel language update page - added scroll up / down floating buttons.
Implemented the new account preference page.
Implemented the ability to allow the user to add his own API keys for AI features via the account preference page - AIX plugin.
Implemented the ability to force the user to use his own API keys via the admin panel plans section - AIX plugin.
Implemented PHP 8.3 support.
Implemented Webhooks that execute before a Cron run and after a Cron run. Helpful when wanting to monitor Cron executions.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic user plan expiration checking via the cron job, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to enable automatic "remember me" checkbox checking when logging in, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to display social media icons on all the emails sent out.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the PWA installation helper bar.
Implemented ability to add your company legal details to all sent out emails.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the whole breadcrumbs system.
Implemented ability to enable/disable the pagination widget when only one page is available.
Improved the template of all the emails sent out by the system.
SSO links will now display in the admin panel as well.
You will now be able to disable the SSO links from automatically displaying in the menu.
Improve PWA installation bar not showing on mobile iOS for Safari.
Bootstrap popper dependency upgraded to the latest version.
Upgraded cookie consent library to the latest 2.9.2 version.
Improved admin panel - settings - cron page with copy and execute buttons.
Improved the way plan savings for annual memberships are displayed.
Improved the look of the DNS Lookup Tools page.
Fix language change from the footer language selector issues.
Fix admin taxes deletion not working properly.
Fix annual plan savings not showing the proper currency.
Fix currency switcher not working properly when a user is logged out.
Fix small issue with Midtrans payments being classified as other payment gateways.
Fix not being able to change the Plan Trial Done status when editing a user in the admin panel.
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Implemented SSO (Single Sign On) support where you can automatically switch between AltumCode software installations with a single click of a button.
Implemented Multicurrency support for payments.
Implemented the ability to set default payment processor on a per-currency basis.
Implemented the ability to set allowed currencies on a per-payment-gateway basis.
Implemented Midtrans payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Yizico payment gateway for one time payments.
Implemented Flutterwave payment gateway for one time & recurring payments.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the password requirement when first logging in via a social network.
Implemented the ability to set the position of new biolink blocks (top or bottom) via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set the minimum and maximum short URL length on a per-plan basis.
Added all languages available on the OpenAI Text to speech feature.
Implemented a subtle prompt to install the PWA app with instructions based on the device for the PWA plugin.
Added new gradient presets and replaced old ones for biolink pages.
Implemented the ability to specify the Output format for the Text to speech functionality of the AIX plugin.
Implemented a new "Health check" page in the admin panel - settings section.
Added new gradient presets and replaced old ones for biolink pages.
A better looking custom scrollbar is now applied on all widgets that are scrollable.
Improved the looks of the "Logged in as Team" bar at the top of the page for the Teams plugin.
Upgraded bootstrap CSS/JS to latest v4.6.2.
Push notification subscription modal will now only automatically show to the user if their browser is compatible for the Push Notifications plugin.
Stripe implementation has been reworked to support the latest available API version.
All AIX plugin creation features now auto fill the name - for faster creation.
Fix issues with CTA block on biolink pages.
Fix biolink page duplication issue.
Fix pay page not having default values selected in some cases.
Fix ad blocker detector not working properly.
Fix ClipDrop bug with AI image creation for the AIX plugin.
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Minimum PHP requirement is now PHP 8.0 instead of PHP 7.4.

Implemented & Released the new Push Notifications Plugin.

Implemented the ability to set a custom start URL - PWA plugin.

Implemented notification badges for installed PWA instances in case the user has an internal notification pending - PWA plugin.

Implemented the ability to set preview screenshots for mobile and desktop when installing the PWA of the app - PWA plugin.

Implemented the ability to set shortcuts for contextual menu on the PWA app - PWA plugin.

Implemented admin panel statistics page for Internal notifications sent.

Implemented new filters for users logs: device type filter, city search, continent filter, country search, browser name and browser language.

Implemented new custom select component with search for the frontend and admin panel.

Implemented admin panel new details and filters for each user based on last login: OS Name, Browser language, Device type.

Implemented admin panel new filter for broadcasts: device type.

Implemented admin panel new filter for internal notifications: device type.

Implemented the ability to change the default payment frequency selected, via the admin panel.

QR code embedded data will now be displayed to the user when creating / updating a QR code.

Implemented the new App linking feature for Short URLs that can automatically detect certain apps and open them via mobile.

Implemented YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp, Fb Messenger, Spotify, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Netflix, Twitch, Google Sheets, Google Maps, Airbnb for App linking automatic detection on short URLs.

Implemented the ability to disable hover animation on a bio link page.

Implemented the ability to set the width of a bio link page.

Implemented the ability to set the spacing between each block in a bio link page.

Implemented the Threads embed block.

Implemented the Snapchat embed block for the Pro Blocks plugin.

Implemented the Telegram embed block for the Ultimate Blocks plugin.

Implemented the ability to set custom phone number labels for Vcard links, Vcard block & Vcard QR codes.

Implemented the ability to change the Image slider block interval setting.

Reworked the looks of the Directory page.

Now the pages outside the app will all have the same new menu and footer as in the index.

Multiple blocks will now display relevant name to make it easier to identify them when editing a bio link page.

Image Grid block can now handle 2 & 3 columns by settings as well.

The ad blocker detector will only be triggered when a user is not logged in and does not have the No ads plan feature.

Cleaned up and optimized duplicated translations.

Admin panel taxes can now be deleted in case they are created by mistake.

Implemented the ability to set a custom delay for the ad blocker detector modal via the admin panel.

Fix internal notifications URL destination bug.
AIX Plugin Changes

Implemented DALL-E v3 images API model.

Implemented the new GPT 4 Vision API into the AI Chat functionality, to upload images and ask any info about them.

Implemented Text to Speech functionality via OpenAI.

Implemented AI Chat settings for Context length & automatic end of maximum context handling.

Implemented AI Chat settings for creativity (temperature).

Improved the AI Chat window overall experience (added total number of messages, timestamp, scroll window, easier chat creation with pre-filled name).

Removed old and deprecated AI models: davinci, curie, babbage, ada.

Added latest released OpenAI models: GPT 3.5 Turbo latest version, GPT 4 1106 preview.
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Implemented & Released the new PWA Plugin.
Implemented New Static Pages Link Type.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable force download for file links.
Implemented the ability to set a logo for a splash page.
Implemented Splash Pages API endpoint.
Implemented Splash Pages ability to add ads as a user.
Implemented the HTTP Status code customization feature for short links.
Implemented the Cloaking URL feature for short links.
Implemented the Cloaking URL feature to be toggled on/off via the plan settings.
Implemented the ability to set icons for custom pages created in the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to change the tracking type and cookie tracking duration of the affiliate system.
Implemented API endpoint for Domains in the admin panel.
Implemented Ad blocker detection alert system.
Implemented Ad blocker detection lock content until ad blocker is disabled.
Implemented Admin panel Webhooks for Domains creation & update events.
Implemented the ability to change the main font of the whole website directly from the admin panel.
Implemented Database tables size stats in the admin panel statistics page.
Implemented Search widget for the Blogging system.
Implemented the ability to change the IP displayed to the user for the Custom Domains page shown to the user.
Implemented Redeemed Codes Statistics page in the Admin panel.
Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Event links.
Implemented new admin panel statistics page for File links.
Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Static Pages links.
Implemented new admin panel statistics page for Vcards links.
Implemented User's plans distribution statistics table in the Admin panel.
Implemented Blog RSS feed.
Implemented Microsoft social login.
Implemented canonical tags for public pages where they will help with SEO.
Implemented the ability to change the OpenAI model for admin panel translation usage.
Implemented the ability to set a CDN via the Offload plugin.
Implemented the ability to set a Language flag and also set the order of the Languages via the admin panel.
Improved the Pay page by displaying an alert on the title when leaving the page.
Improved the UI on the admin panel statistics page.
Cleaned up the share buttons used in places like blog posts & custom pages and added Telegram share button.
Upgraded ReCaptcha, PHPMailer, TwoFactorAuth, Stripe project dependencies to their latest versions.
Other small code improvements, changes and tweaks across the whole product.
Fix API User endpoint not working properly.
Fix Paypal recurring payment rare issue when the business name is not provided.
Fix Admin panel Discount update not working properly in some cases.
Fix small issues with Link Scheduling via the API.
Fix vcard, event, file links pixels not properly processing.
Fix download csv/json feature on the link statistics pages for Entries.
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