[0815] Check Add-On update

[0815] Check Add-On update 1.0.0 Beta 9

No permission to download
Author jessy
Creation date
XF Compatibility
  1. 2.1.x
  2. 2.2.x
Everything else can still be submitted.
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Business [0815] Check Add-On update 1.0.0 Beta 9 version on NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 33 KB File size. From [0815] Check Add-On update have 4 Description Attachments, 3 discussion, 3 Updates, 181 Views.
It cannot be that add-ons with a nulled scene URL are reported to me.

Only URLs that point to a resource here on xenforo.com are still allowed. Everything else can still be submitted. It will then be listed as "not supported". I will then see that I find the correct URLs.

This add-on cannot take into account the highly fragmented market. For any XF user, this site (xenforo.com) is the first port of call. Therefore, I think the add-ons should be listed here as well. Those who do not list their add-ons here cannot be considered by my add-on and these add-ons are also marked as "not supported". However, a change (via PN to an XF URL is always possible).

There must be a central point of contact. This is no different with Wordpress and Co.

Nor can this add-on do anything against the very careless and loose allocation of version numbers in the add-on and here in the RM.

The developers (including me) have to make sure that the version number in the add-on corresponds exactly with the version number here in the RM...

Not like an add-on: in the RM - 2022-07-05 and in the add-on 1.0.5.
  • screen_1662979507.png
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Extention type
File size
33 KB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Link was Broken? Please  Send Message to NP Team with Ticket, You will get it very quickly!
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Latest updates

1.0.0 Beta 9 - 1.0.0 Beta 9
[fixed] Improvements so that you are not logged out again and again. This still needs to be...
1.0.0 Beta 8 - 1.0.0 Beta 8
[add] Logging in to XF with Tfa Support [add] Download/update bulk of Free Add-Ons hosted on XF...
1.0.0 Beta 7 - 1.0.0 Beta 7
Fixed -> https://xenforo.com/community/threads/check-add-on-update.208723/post-1590901

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