Magento 2 Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) Tracking - Anowave

Magento 2 Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) Tracking - Anowave 102.0.1

clokers Sergeant
Bronze Member
badge id 108 NullPro Lover
Oct 18, 2020
clokers submitted a new resource:

Magento 2 Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) Tracking - Anowave - Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 with full support for Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce

Google Tag Manager for Magento 2 with full support for Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, AdWords Dynamic Remarketing, AdWords Conversion Tracking, Social Network interaction tracking, Facebook Custom Audiences Pixel, Custom Dimensions, Google Customer Reviews, User ID data acquisition and User Timings Tracking.

Track product impressions, product detail views, add and remove from cart events, checkout steps and options, refunds, transactions and promotions performance in Magento with...

Read more about this resource...
Hello @clokers ,
I want to download this extension but I can not pay via paypal (restiricted countries),
I have credits, Is there any way to do that
Hi @clokers ,
I already asked, thay said:
paid resource was submit by customer ,we can;t change it, maybe you can submit what you want in Discussion,
can you change all amount to credits ?
do you have Magento 2 Google Analytics 4 Enhanced Ecommerce tracking (GTM)
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I want to buy this plugin, but I failed to buy it via paypal, do you have any other method to pay for it?
what if we need another anowave module install?