Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS)

Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) 3.8.5 Not Nulled

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theresa First Sergeant
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Sep 11, 2021
Hi, is this really nulled? I'm not talking about installation process. When you build apk in admin panel it gives error about Purchase Code ?
thanks to dear member @newimage updated Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) with a new update entry:


  • Moved WhatsApp to stable version. Self-hosting is now required.
  • Send quota will now also count failed messages for both SMS and WhatsApp
  • Resend button is now always enabled
  • Moved bulk sending buttons to campaign manager
  • Random send interval is now enabled by default for SMS
  • Fixed hanging of tables because of realtime refresh
  • Fixed documentation issues on Nginx servers
  • Fixed QR code scan not working when account was created via social login
  • Fixed dashboard...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) with a new update entry:


  • Added Ngrok and Localtunnel skip warning headers in WhatsApp library
  • Added debug flag on WhatsApp binary
  • Added built-in support for Ngrok
  • Added WhatsApp status monitor block in admin panel
  • Added the ability to send document files in WhatsApp. Supports pdf, doc, docx, xls and xlsx
  • Added the ability to generate WhatsApp QR in API
  • Added the ability to download attachments from sent WhatsApp chats
  • Added attachments download in WhatsApp sent API
  • Added queue tabs...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) with a new update entry:


  • Added WhatsApp priority sending
  • Added the ability to receive WhatsApp URL messages
  • Added the ability to receive WhatsApp attachments
  • Fixed autoreply bug
  • Fixed brazil number bug on SMS
  • Fixed WhatsApp scheduled bug on shortcodes
  • Fixed an issue on the WhatsApp server for Windows
  • Refactored sender cron job
  • Refactored WhatsApp campaign status monitor

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) with a new update entry:


  • Added the ability to select multiple devices/gateways when sending SMS.
  • Added the ability to select multiple accounts when sending WhatsApp messages.
  • Added version system in the WhatsApp binary.
  • Fixed WhatsApp priority bug in otp API.
  • Fixed WhatsApp connection status info.
  • Fixed repeating variables in WhatsApp bulk and excel.
  • Fixed sim slot issue on bulk SMS excel.
  • Fixed lang_undefined in android version names.
  • Fixed only_full_group_by bug in cron model...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Zender - Ultimate Messaging Platform for SMS, WhatsApp & use Android Devices as SMS Gateways (SaaS) with a new update entry:


BREAKING CHANGE! The unique id used in the WhatsApp sending API should now be the unique random string and not the number
Added WhatsApp account status in /get/wa.accounts API endpoint
Added /create/wa.link and /create/wa.relink for linking WhatsApp account using the API
Added support for sending audio in WhatsApp media messages
Added Exact (Insensitive), Exact (Sensitive) and Regular Expression in the matching type of autoreply
Added priority sending for WhatsApp autoreply
Added the ability...

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