- FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
- FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
- FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
- FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
- FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
- FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
- FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
- FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
- FIXED sorting by price doesn't work...
Profiling For Wowonder Social Script
- ADDED monetization system, users are able now to sell their own content like only fans.
- ADDED directory system, users can view the site content without the need to login.
- ADDED the option to choose the default landing page, NewsFeed, Register, Welcome or Directory.
- ADDED reels system, users can upload their own videos as reels.
- ADDED watch page, users can view and watch all videos from one page.
- ADDED qiwi pament method.
- ADDED payfast payment method.
- ADDED...
FIXED if you post a public post, then make it monetized, the subscribe button will not show.
FIXED images were loading in reels.
FIXED showing youtube videos on watch page which cause some issues.
FIXED shwoing only one video in watch lightbox.
FIXED monetization system caluclation was incorrect.
FIXED showing the same ad multiple times in the story section.
FIXED reels system, not showing more than 10 videos.
FIXED scrolling down on phone does not work on reels page.
FIXED currency issues...
Improved speed after v4.3 update.
Improved speed of search system in admin panel.
Updated few sections in sunshine theme (design).
Fixed add account page broken on both themes.
Fixed sometimes reels not loading more than 6 videos.
Fixed social login system.
Fixed showing dublicated transactions in wallet page.
Fixed if a feature is turned off, it is still showing in directory page.
Fixed comment section not showing in watch page.
Fixed video playing in...
IMPROVED speed again after v4.3 update.
FIXED smtp related issues.
FIXED API related issues.
FIXED 5 other minor bugs.
audio upload & sharing from admin panel if disabled, voice messages cannot be sent to users from the chat system.
Fixed featured posts are disabled, pro members still gain the "featured post" privilege.
Fixed when creating an advertisement in the audience section, if nothing is selected, there is an inscription: "nothing selected."
Fixed event dates is not correct on sunshine theme.
Fixed image rotation is not working correctly when you upload an image.
Fixed br is added automatically when...