* Fix: Auto-apply coupon not working correctly with Payment method restriction
* Add: New filter hook 'wc_sc_allow_custom_refund_amount' to allow custom refund amount from order edit admin page
* Tweak: Improvement to early return from method 'smart_coupon_get_discount'
* Update: POT, PO & MO file
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
* Fix: When store credit is fully covering the order total making the amount to be paid as 0 (zero), on trying to place such order, it's always giving the error 'No payment method provided' [WC Blocks]
* Tweak: Handle display of coupon field 'Auto apply?' using JavaScript ES6 instead of jQuery
* Developer: New filter 'wc_sc_force_validate_allowed_emails' to control the behavior of validation of allowed emails
* Update: Add...
* Fix: Coupon Usage Restriction field 'Product quantity based restrictions' is not getting updated when used in 'Bulk generate' & 'Import-Export'
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null
* Update: POT, PO & MO file
* Fix: Applying coupons via URL shedding extra query params
* Update: Added some delay to execute the JS event 'update_checkout'
* Update: Code improvements
* Update: POT, PO & MO file
* Update: Coupon Usage Restriction added max quantity field for 'Product quantity based restrictions'
* Fix: Actions tab product not updating on creating new order
* Update: Translations
* Fix: Fatal Error: Cannot access protected property WC_Coupon::$error_message
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: array_slice(): Argument #1 ($emails) must be of type array, string given
* Update: Replace 'woo.com' with 'woocommerce.com'
* Update: Translations
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Automattic\WooCommerce\StoreApi\StoreApi' not found with lower version of WooCommerce
* Update: Translations
* Fix: When Smart Coupons is active and WooCommerce is deactivated, it results in a fatal error
* Fix: The same block of JavaScript code is being added multiple times on the Checkout page
* Update: Added translation for the entire DateTimePicker of the plugin
* Update: Added information about whether the cart and the checkout page are b-enabled or not, under WooCommerce > Status
* Update: Improved the format of the data shown by the plugin and the format of the data coming in the report...
* Fix: PHP Fatal error - Unsupported operand types string * int
* Update: Revamp 'Store Credit' calculation while creating manual orders from admin panel
* Update: Translations
* New: Coupon option to 'Apply discount on' cheapest or costliest items of the cart
* Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on bool in class-wc-sc-product-columns.php
* Fix: Available coupons not visible in cart [WooCommerce Block]
* Update: Translations