Translate all - Free and unlimited translation Module

Translate all - Free and unlimited translation Module 4.21.0

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Nov 13, 2020
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thanks to dear member @yuan submitted a new resource:

Translate all - Free and unlimited translation Module - Translate your entire store automatically!

Translate your entire store automatically! With over 15,000 stores translated into more than 110 languages since its creation, "Translate All" is the best translation module.

  • Several translation services are available: Our free translator, Google Translate, Microsoft Translate, DeepL and Yandex Translate
  • Content translation
  • Translation of modules
  • Translation of themes and emails
  • Machine translation option! Content can be automatically translated...

Read more about this resource...
Hi hargrave,

I'm trying this module, after installing it ask for the PS ID Order due to work.

Is there a way to fix it? I try to insert a random number but it tell me that numer order ID isn't correct.
it is not request prucahse key when you config other module to translate ps