* New: WordPress 6.7.1 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.4.2 compatible
* Update: UI/UX for combo boxes
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 9.4.3 compatible
* Fix: 'save_post' hook doesn't trigger when updating meta or taxonomy data
* Fix: Move to Trash not working for WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality not working when multiple actions are applied to the same field (Pro)
* Fix: Delete Permanently and Move to Trash not working for WooCommerce Orders, Users and taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 9.5.1 compatible
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Featured' column on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Catalog Visibility' column with the 'is not' operator on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Pricing page appears blank in some cases
* Fix: PHP fatal error when saving Access Privilege Settings from taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: 'Restrict by users' option in Access Privilege Settings not...
* New: Compatibility with [Germanized for WooCommerce Pro](https://vendidero.de/woocommerce-germanized) (Pro)
* Fix: SQL vulnerability in Advanced Search functionality [Thanks to Patchstack team]
* Update: UI/UX for dashboard combo box
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 9.5.2 compatible
* Fix: Dashboard selection not working in some cases
* Update: 10x boost in loading speed for the WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Update: 10x speed improvement for updating taxonomy fields using Inline edit and Bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* New: WooCommerce 9.6.1 compatible
* New: Added 'New' and 'Manage scheduled edits' as dropdown options under Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: In-app plugin update link not converting plugin back to Pro version
* Fix: Advanced Search in WooCommerce Orders dashboard not filtering WooCommerce product fields like SKU
* Fix: Validation not working for datetime fields in Inline edit
* Fix: Update failing for field values containing special characters like single quotes
* Update: Displayed 'Undo' link in...
* New: WordPress 6.7.2 compatible
* New: Search for WooCommerce Product 'Category' field in Inline edit modal
* New: Saved searches for Advanced Search and application across multiple dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Product 'Category' field is not shown in hierarchical structure in Inline edit modal
* Fix: Export CSV not working for 'All items in search results - Stock Columns' when using Simple Search and Advanced Search functionalities
* Fix: Inline edit and Bulk edit not working for...
* New: WooCommerce 9.6.2 compatible
* Fix: Navigation bar height increasing when the Advanced Search checkbox is checked
* Fix: Slight delay in hiding dashboard combo box dropdown list after selection
* Fix: Inconsistent modal height when searching for the WooCommerce product 'Category' field in the Inline Edit modal
* Fix: Selected value does not persist after updating with the 'copy from field' operator in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Improved performance when loading Custom Views...
* New: WooCommerce 9.7.1 compatible
* New: Save and reuse Bulk Edit actions (Pro)
* New: Support for 'set to regular price and decrease by number' & 'set to regular price and decrease by %' actions using Bulk Edit for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* New: Predefined Custom Views for 'Customers' and 'Pending for Shipping Orders' (Pro)
* Fix: 'save_post' hook doesn't trigger when updating meta or taxonomy data using Inline edit functionality
* Fix: Database error when creating products...