SEO Audit - SEO Analytics, Pretty URL, Image & Sitemap 3.0.1

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I try to install the module and i get this error:

Exception retournée par le module ets_seo pour reset. Erreur lors de la réinitialisation du module ets_seo. Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes.
CREATE INDEX ets_seo_rr ON `ps_meta_lang`(url_rewrite)

Mysql version is 5.7 and i don't know how to change max column size. If someone can help me with this....
1. backup your database
2.change mysql cnf innodb_large_prefix innodb_file_format innodb_file_per_table innodb_default_row_format. to change?
mysql -uYourUser  -pYourPassword
 SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
   SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=On;
   SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=On;
 SET GLOBAL innodb_default_row_format=dynamic
Thank you for the reply!

I tried your fix but it doesn't work for me.

Analyse statique :
5 erreurs trouvées lors de l'analyse.
    Début d'énoncé inattendu. (near "mysql" at position 0)
    Début d'énoncé inattendu. (near "u" at position 7)
    Début d'énoncé inattendu. (near "XXXX" at position 9)
    Début d'énoncé inattendu. (near "p" at position 27)
    Début d'énoncé inattendu. (near "XXXX" at position 29)
Requête SQL : Copier
mysql -u XXXX -p XXXX SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
MySQL a répondu : Documentation
#1064 - Erreur de syntaxe près de 'mysql -u XXXX  -p XXXX
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Barracuda' à la ligne 1
thanks to dear member @theresa updated SEO Audit - Best SEO practices 2021 - Incredibly good Module with a new update entry:


Read the rest of this update entry...