* Fixed warning for missing actionscheduler tables on empty install
* Fix for code hardening - hardening had come 2 lines too late, my bad
* Fixed warning on settings page for suppressed readlink error
* Updated cache handler to provide getCacheSize and deleteOldItems functions which provide group-specific functionality to aid SSF cache management
* Refactored plugin to be easier to maintain and update and add individual features
* Fixed 'woo onboarding' speed boost
* Further refactoring to move functionality into their own files to make the structure more logical
* Added new feature to let users disable the HTTP API calls that can add 10s to admin pages
* Renamed the tabs to be clearer
* Added custom query alteration options to start and stop various query optimisations on wordpress hooks - I'd appreciate feedback on this new option
* Changed "Remove product cat dropdown" option to "Cache product cat dropdown" - now your quick edits will continue to work. Cache clears after 4 hours by default.