[OzzModz] Disable Push Notification Message

[OzzModz] Disable Push Notification Message 2.0.0

No permission to download
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score
thanks to dear member @jessy submitted a new resource:

[OzzModz] Disable Push Notification Message - allow your users with the proper permission to disable the annoying "push notification" message.

This addon will allow your users with the proper permission to disable the annoying "push notification" message. Sure they can click on the "Never ask again" link, but if the user resets their cookies, the message comes back. The message can become quite annoying for users that reset their cookies often, this addon solves that.

Note that this is permission based, so in order for users to be able to disable the message, you need to assign their group the proper permission.

Push Notification...

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