So, if anyone knows by now that Kloxo back then was the new Panel for all...
Well due to sad that as happen to the older dev, we took over it and working on the coding and custom work.. such as like arm64 / amd64.. Please note this is a long long over due project that was dead at some point.. We are working on few things
1) Centos OS <-- Dead so u can now use RHEL 8 and 9
2) Debian OS
3) Ubuntu Server OS
Here is Kloxo Main Object is
Kloxo 8 was developed on Rocky Linux and Almalinux versions 8 and 9, but should should be compatible with all RHEL derivative linux.
Coming soon
1) new themes
2) mobile app
3) other OS / fully supporting arm64
4) much much more..
Well due to sad that as happen to the older dev, we took over it and working on the coding and custom work.. such as like arm64 / amd64.. Please note this is a long long over due project that was dead at some point.. We are working on few things
1) Centos OS <-- Dead so u can now use RHEL 8 and 9
2) Debian OS
3) Ubuntu Server OS
Here is Kloxo Main Object is
Kloxo 8 was developed on Rocky Linux and Almalinux versions 8 and 9, but should should be compatible with all RHEL derivative linux.
- OS: Rocky and Almalinux versions 8 and 9. Other RHEL derivatives
- Web server: Nginx, Nginx-Proxy and Lighttpd-proxy, Hiawatha, Hiawatha-proxy and Httpd 24, beside Httpd and Lighttpd; also Dual and Multiple Web server
- Webcache server: Varnish
- Php: Multiple-php with php 5.6, 7.4, and all php 8 versions
- PHP-type for Apache: php-fpm_worker/_event and fcgid_worker/_event; beside mod_php and suphp/_worker/_event
- Mail server: qmail-toaster patched to qmail 1.06, dovecot for imap/pop3
- Database: MariaDB
- Database Manager: PHPMyAdmin; (coming: Adminer, MyWebSql and SqlBuddy as additional)
- Webmail: Afterlogic Webmail Lite Roundcube and Rainloop;
- FTP server: Pure-ftpd
- DNS Server: Bind (Still to be tested Djbdns, Powerdns,MaraDNS, NSD, myDNS and Yadifa)
- Addons: ClamAV, Spamassassin/Bogofilter/Spamdyke, RKHunter and MalDetect
- Free SSL: Let’s Encrypt (via letsencrypt/certbot-auto and and StartAPI
- Many bug fixes from original Kloxo and Kloxo-MR (including security issues)
- And many more!
- Kloxo is licenced under AGPLv3
Coming soon
1) new themes
2) mobile app
3) other OS / fully supporting arm64
4) much much more..