Disabled JCE Media Field input and buttons when the user profile does not allow Media Fields, or if the File Browser is not enabled.
Custom Classes in Editor Profiles → Plugin Parameters → Style Select now support element selectors for each class, e.g., p.some_class. This will apply the class to the element only.
Reintroduced the Content - JCE plugin to trigger Media Field conversion in some 3rd party extensions.
PRO Added support hidden input types in Template Manager variables, eg: ${Extension:hidden} will hide the input field by still apply a passed in value to the template for processing. This can be used with the ${URL:image} variable for selecting a file and using a property of that file without exposing it for editing.
PRO Added new Columns layouts : 2-2-1, 2-1-2 and 1-2-2
Basic Dialog Support for Tables, IFrames, File Manager, and Image Manager Extended on small devices (e.g., phones). This provides a more streamlined, mobile-friendly experience, previously only available for Image Manager, Media Manager, and Link dialogs.
Strict Media Embeds Option for the Media plugin to control how media...