hey guys i have problem with magento Version 2.3.4

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Oct 23, 2023
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hey guys i have problem with magento Version 2.3.4

my problem if i want add products i cant i get this error Although it was working normally before

I deleted all the add-ons that I had installed in order to check the matter again, but they also did not work

open log record 097397*** see error details .and try to fix it .
when delete some plugin ,you need to run

if you have compile static ,you need to do
thank you for replay friend i have all commands and every time i'm uploading modules Immediately go to give orders I deleted all the add-ons, and I do not have any add-ons now. I gave the commands and they do not work either, although they were working normally, even with the presence of the add-ons that I deleted and every time I change the version php my store stop work i have php 7.2 i think my version of magento don't work with any other version i'm try use php 7.3 and 7.4 All content on the site stops, and adding products does not work too