GPS Tools

GPS Tools 6.2.0

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Nov 27, 2021
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thanks to dear member @sarisan submitted a new resource:

GPS Tools - gps tracks analytics made is easy

View attachment 29908Visualize your GPX and KML files on the maps and charts with interesting statistics. Or choose locations on the map and draw the track to visualize it.

GPS Tools shows your GPX/KML tracks on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap along with several analytical statistics such as Elevation charts, Heart rate charts, Speed charts, Cadence profile, Waypoints statistics etc. Your users can share tracks of their own and build a...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated GPS Tools with a new update entry:


v5.3.8 (15-Aug-2023)​

^ Updated SQL installation file to support null dates
* Fixed issue with GPX tracks where sudden increase in speed is not detected

v5.3.7 (16-May-2023)​

* GPX Tracks module causing SQL error

v5.3.6 (12-May-2023)​

* Fixed installation error with prev version

v5.3.5 (10-May-2023)​

^ Removed deprecated code
^ Replaced JFile/JFolder deprecated wrappers with respective file system functions

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated GPS Tools with a new update entry:


+ Added support for Rewardify Points
+ Google Maps JS API update
+ Added support for marker clusters on GPX Tracks module
+ Added support to show tracks in alphabetic order in GPS Tools module
* Category description and image are not showing
* Category marker icon is not used when displaying waypoints
* GPX Tracks module does not show Google Maps RoadMap

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated GPS Tools with a new update entry:


+ Added total distance in the track pin popup in GPX Tracks module
+ Add full screen icon to the map in GPX Tracks module
+ Add an option in GPX Tracks module to show markers in groups of clusters
+ New options to add start and end markers of the track
+ Improved options to show global value in category and track menus
+ New smart search plugin added
+ New option to customize OSM layers

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