firebear importexport ce v3.4.2

Bronze Member
Iron Member
Mar 29, 2021
Reaction score
Improved Import and Export is a full-featured extension for Magento 2.2 and 2.3 versions. The extension does not require any technical knowledge and is fully manageable from the administrator panel.

With the help of the extension, you can import and export almost every Magento 2 entity. You can update and upload products and prices, customers and categories, you can import orders, attributes, CMS pages and cart price rules.

You can use the extension for catalog updates, customer base transfers, CRM and ERP system integrations, migration from Shopify and Magento 1.

Get Improved Import whitepaper

  • Delta-import - import only new lines of products added to the file
  • Can import from Google Sheets, FTP/SFTP, URLs, Dropbox, local files
  • Can import and export ALL product types including gift cards, product reviews, custom and EAV attributes, orders, categories, customers, CMS pages, widgets, URL rewrites, search terms and synonyms, cart price rules
  • B2B and MSI entities with Add-ons described below
  • Supports CSV, XML with XSLT, XLSX, ODS, Json file formats
  • Supports Rest and Soap APIs
  • Supports scheduled import and export jobs
  • Comes with migration presets for Magento 1, Magento 1 MagMi and Shopify
  • Comes with attribute, category and table separator mapping tools
  • Average import speed - 3000 products/min
  • 100% open code and comes with customization module
  • 100% fit Magento 2 code requirements
  • We offer the most explicit Magento 2 import documentation and guides on import and export processes

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Hello, I paid with credit but I can't download the plugin. Can you help? You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
Hello, I paid with credit but I can't download the plugin. Can you help? You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
you need to submit 5 message and free upgrade to iron member
or download it from here
Hidden text for users: sukas
it is a very simple csv,if you can find error or log in var/log var/report about this plugin,that is best for method to fix your problem,try var folder with importing