[FF] Showcase Enhancements

[FF] Showcase Enhancements 1.2.12

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Jun 27, 2020
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thanks to dear member @jessy submitted a new resource:

[FF] Showcase Enhancements - A number of enhancements for Showcase.

This addon supersedes my previous "Linked Prefixes for Bob's Showcase" and "Discussion Thread Enhancements for Bob's Showcase".
If you had either installed, this will migrate linked items (prefixes, updates, reviews), so you don't need to do it again. Be sure to uninstall them after so they don't clash 🙂

A number of enhancements for Showcase.

Thread Display:

  • Remove first post - The first post is just a post telling you there has been a new...

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [FF] Showcase Enhancements with a new update entry:


Sorry about this, in my haste to copy and paste from the old addon, I missed an important part of code - yikes!

So this update fixes that (basically if you posted an item with no prefix at all it would fail)

As a bonus though and to say sorry about that, I've integrated another one of my addons into it.

Navigation Block Prefixes

If you enable this feature, the item assigned prefixes will appear in the navigation block, underneath the relevant category where the child categories...

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thanks to dear member @jessy updated [FF] Showcase Enhancements with a new update entry:


Ok so I shouldn't have been lazy yesterday, I've now updated this to use template replacements so cover image thumbnails are now linked directly in the page (no 301 redirects anymore) - this will speed things up.

This means you can still go to the /cover-image url to show the original full size one (which I think is quite useful)

Also added a new CLI job xf-rebuild:ff-se-xa-sc-items-cover-image so you can rebuild them all from the command line - thank to @Mouth.

Oh and if you are enabling...

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